Smoked Trout Melt with Cucumber on Pumpernickel

After reading Curtis Stone's "Relaxed Cooking with Curtis Stone" I was intrigued by this sandwich. Curtis calls it a sophisticated take on your childhood favorite grill cheese.

Smoked Trout Melt with Cucumber on Pumpernickel

(printable copy)

12 ounces Smoked Trout (skin and any bones removed)
1/2 cup creme fresh or sour cream
1 cornichon, finely chopped
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
salt and freshly ground pepper
4 slices pumpernickel (or rye) bread
1/4 cucumber, thinly sliced
4 slices Emmentaler (or Jarlsberg) Cheese

Preheat the broiler.

Flake the trout into large chunks and mix them with the creme fresh, cornichon, 1 tablespoon of the dill, and the lemon juice. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Place the pumpernickel on a baking sheet and toast on both sides for approx. 1 minute on both sides. Arrange 3 cucumber slices on each piece of bread and top with the trout mixture. Place under the broiler for about 2 minutes or until the trout mixture is warm. Top the sandwiches with the cheese slices and broil until cheese melts and is lightly golden. Sprinkle with remaining dill and serve.

Isn't this loaf of pumpernickel gorgeous?

I found the joys of using Smoked Trout with this Smoked Trout Pate recipe by Nigella Lawson. It was so good that I had to try this sandwich as well.

I finally got to use my cornichons I got at Forward Foods our local Specialty Market. I ADORE Forward Foods! I could spend hours in there oohing and aahing over all their merchandise. In fact, 1/2 of the things for my stocking this year (are hopefully) coming from there. I've picked out all kinds of unusual food goodies for Santa to stuff in that wonderful sock.

The cucumbers along with the dill really give it a nice fresh twist.

Once you have the trout mixture together this sandwich literally only takes a few minutes to heat. Now comes the good part.......

Once the smoked trout and the cheese melt together,
it goes all gooey and delicious!

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