Garlicky Parmesan Egg and Steak Biscuits

The story of this breakfast sandwich started on Christmas day........ 
If you recall along with everything else we served steak medallions 
and garlic cheddar biscuits.  Well that night we ate snacks that were 
leftoverand my husband stuck the steak on the biscuits along with 
somehorseradish sauce. We took a bite and looked at each other 
like....oh my gosh these are heavenly! 

Well........right then and there we decided to make these little sand-
wiches for our New Year's Eve get together.   Jimmy mentioned that 
we should havethe leftovers for breakfast.  That's when I thought 
about adding my parmesan eggs into the mix.

I've been making parmesan eggs for years, in fact they are my 
daughter's favorite breakfast. 

 To start spray small glass ramekins with cooking spray and throw 
in a good amount of parmesan cheese.

Next crack open an egg, being careful not to break the yolk.  Top 
with a generous amount of granulated garlic.  Don't be too stingy, 
this is what makes the eggs flavorful.

Add a small drizzle of half and half.......maybe a teaspoon or so and 
top with a sprinkling of black pepper and more parmesan cheese. 

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 14 minutes or until your desired
doneness.  I like my yolks still gooey and orange.

Assemble your garlicky parmesan egg and steak biscuit with a 
generous layer of horseradish sauce and enjoy!  It's a great way to 
start off the New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

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