Granola Breakfast Parfait

Today I thought I would do a quick post about my weekday breakfast.  
For years I have taken my breakfast to work and ate it once I got there.  
It's just so easy take it with me but it's not easy to find something 
portable that is good for you.  Over the years I've taken pop-tarts, 
breakfast bars and even cold pizza on occasion.  

Well, I've found one that is good for me, portable and delicious!    I take 
Weight Watchers vanilla yogurt.........I know, but I've tried numerous 
varieties and it is the best one.  Cross my heart!  Then I take a Cherry 
Blend Frozen has strawberries, cherries, black berries and 
blueberries in it and then to top it off Just Bunches Cinnamon cereal. 

I'm telling you it is so, so good! take it to work I get a red 
disposable cup(which I wash and re-use) and add the yogurt first, 
then the fruit and finally the cereal.  If you do it in this order the cereal 
will stay dry and crispy until you are ready to eat it.  I've even make it up 
the night before and it's still yummy.  Then I put a piece of foil on top 
and a rubber band to hold it.  Viola!  Ready to go to work and it only take 
seconds to prepare.  

My daughter Bay just loves my Granola Parfait.  You can dress it up 
by serving it in a beautiful glass dish, it makes a great presentation   
In fact, I've even served it to overnight guests and it was a huge hit.  

Do any of you take your breakfast to work?  Have you found anything 
that works great for you?  If you have.......please let me know.

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