RECIPE | Quick & healthy yogurt bowl with iögo's new format pouch!
Sometimes, I just want a snack that's easy to prepare but also healthy - especially after working out (I'm trying to be more active this year). With the weather getting warmer in the city, I find myself craving fresh fruits. What better way to enjoy them than with some granola and yogurt? I picked up the new iogo package the other day, which came in a resealable bag and decided to make a yogurt bowl.

For this simple snack, you don't need much! That's what makes it so great - it only takes 5 minutes to put together. If you're someone like me that that needs a quick on-the-go breakfast or a snack, this is it. I have no time to waste! Now, I have no excuse to skip breakfast.
You can probably grab some fruits, granola and/or nuts from the kitchen and a medium-sized bowl. I used a banana, strawberries, and blueberries for mine along with some granola, pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds. Try not to put too much in the bowl, you still want to enjoy the yogurt! Since I had a few ingredients, I kept it simple with a Vanilla flavoured iogo original.
You're probably confused as to why iogo's new packaging is so unconventional than the packaging that we're so used to: the single serve cups and the bigger tubs of yogurt. Let me tell you, it's the same smooth and delicious yogurt. It's just new & improved in term of its looks for practicality & functionality.
One thing that stands out to me is that the yogurt isn't contaminated by a spoon once it's opened and re-dipped. Another great feature? This large pouch's cap made it easy to pour into the bowl without having to scoop with a spoon (less dishes!) and avoids any spills. Another plus is that the cap is resealable, so we can just put in back the fridge, without having to worry about finishing the whole package!

The new resealable pouches are available for the following product lines:
iogo Original in Vanilla & Strawberry
iogo Probio in Vanilla & Strawverry
iogo Greek in Vanilla & Plain
Although, this recipe is a yogurt "bowl," I recommend trying it in a travel cup or a glass for a different kind of presentation! It would be a dainty party flavour too for a summery BBQ. Another great idea for using these yogurt's are smoothies, especially with the Vanilla or Strawberry iogo original packages.
Of course, iogo yogurt is a great substitute in cooking and baking too! Check out some of their fun recipes here.
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