Broccoli, Potato and Egg Pie with Cheddar and Bacon

Okay, as you can tell I'm still on my Broccoli kick.   I'm that kind 
of person......if I get stuck on something I can eat it for a long time 
much to my families dismay.  Well, they can just relax because 
next I'm on to my Oscar night party and not one thing has broccoli 
in it.  So there......  ;)

I found this recipe on the Cabot cheese website.   You can click 
here for the recipe.  Jim and I order cheese from them quite often 
and when I ran across this dish I really wanted to try this technique 
for the crust.  It uses a roll of Pillsbury bread sticks.  Yeah, that's what 
I thought but it worked.  

You pinch the bread stick dough together and spiral it around like 
you are making a clay pot or something.  It calls for a pie plate but 
I wanted to use my new tart tin that Jim got me for Christmas so I 
opted for that.  It cooked up beautifully!  If you like a little doughier 
crust you could use this in place of pie crust on just about any quiche.

This egg pie would be great anytime and would be terrific in a lunch 
box as well.  It reheats beautifully!   Now.....I wonder what my next kick 
will be?

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