Potato Skin Eggs

Jim and I usually eat breakfast on the run on weekday mornings so 
I like to make Sunday morning special.  These were so special!!

I took two of my favorite posts...... Parmesan Eggs and The Perfect 
Baked Potato and made these yummy Potato Skin Eggs.  Actually, 
it's a great way to use up leftovers.  I had two leftover baked potatoes 
and leftover bacon from Saturday morning's breakfast. 

To start just scoop out the flesh of the potato leaving a 1/4 shell and 
fill with cheese, egg(s)  and top with a good amount of granulated 
garlic.   You can use whatever cheese you have on hand,I just 
happened to have some sharp cheddar.  Crack your eggs, being 
careful not to break the yolk.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 
minutes or until the egg is set.  

Serve with sour cream, salsa, bacon and green onions and enjoy!

I have to show you all my new Papillon puppy, Bindi Bay.  We got 
her yesterday.....isn't she adorable!!

Hope you all have a great week!

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