$138 A Week For Groceries - On "Do You Guys Ever Eat Junk Food???" & Meals Days 24 & 25 (Mon & Tue)

After this post, there are only three more days of meals to blog followed by the wrap-up, which is my favorite post of these grocery budget diaries because I get to see the big picture of our shopping and eating expenditures and habits.

Dean's Favorite Fish Tacos

As I thought I might have to, I did end up doing a little extra shopping this week, but it wasn't for protein. Another $13.53 spent on watermelon, bananas (Izz can't get enough this week), bread because I was jonesing for toast this morning, and some Lofthouse cookies because Joey's got friends coming over this weekend, and everybody loves those things.


From time to time, people will ask me if I ever buy junk or processed snack foods, and it occurs to me that I must look to some of them like the stereotypical organic nazi mom looks to me. But we actually do eat a little bit of everything - XX Flamin' Hot Cheetos, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Lofthouse Cookies, instant ramen, Diet Cokes, potato chips, sugary cereal, etc. - but we just treat those things as indulgences, whether for convenience or that strange black foodmagic appeal of so-called junk food, rather than the norm.

I really do believe that that is a primary factor in our ability to eat and drink what we do - without counting calories or obsessing over fats and sugars - while reasonably maintaining our health, weight, and size.

And on to the meals...

As always, I've included a meal total and per serving total on the blog. The detailed ingredient cost breakdown HERE.



For me, yet more of that Slow Cooker Korean Style Spicy Soy Sauce Chicken. Doesn't look so appetizing here (or in the lunch pic), but sometimes eating leftovers gets real. :P

Izz had 2 bananas and milk. The boys both had cereal with milk.

BREAKFAST TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $2.02


Dean took some of the Spicy Soy Sauce chicken and cantaloupe. The glop is from the collagen from the chicken before the sauce gets heated up - totally normal and natural and perfectly safe).

I had some scrambled eggs...

... Izz had yet more banana and also some cantaloupe. (She actually had 5 or 6 refills of that little dish).

She also had some porridge made of rice and chicken stock (aka jook and congee among others).

And then I got hungry again and made myself a half packet of Sapporo Ichiban (our default instant ramen) with a poached egg.

Joey took his usual juice pouch and apple to school and came home and ate an extra large serving of cereal with milk.

LUNCH TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $5.13


Was one of the large cod fillets I bought cut into 3 portions, pan fried, and topped with a quick sauce made from some of that repurposed Hoisin-Sriracha BBQ sauce we used a couple weeks ago on Dean's smoked ribs mounted with a fat dollop of butter.

That was a little heavy for the cod, but I had planned to make sauteed chicken livers for dinner only to find they'd gone bad right as I was about to cook, so I threw together the quickest thing I could. Good thing chicken livers are cheap.

Joey's Favorite Crunchy Soy Slaw on the side.

Izz had the fish and rice and lots more cantaloupe. (Well lots for a 2 year old.)

DINNER TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $6.95
COD + SLAW FOR 3: $6.40

MEALS DAY 24 TOTAL: $14.10



Yogurt for me, Dean, and Joey.

2 bananas, cantaloupe, and milk for Izz.

BREAKFAST TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $2.57


Joey took his usual juice pouch and apple and didn't have a snack when he came home.

Izz and I shared a Sapporo Ichiban ramen. Izz had hers with some cantaloupe on the side. She was all about the cantaloupe while it lasted and had a couple of refills. She also had a banana later.

I had mine with poached egg and the pho treatment as usual.

I didn't pack a lunch for Dean on Monday. This week's been spotty for packing lunches, as you will see...

LUNCH TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $3.17


Dean's Favorite Fish Tacos made with the other large cod fillet, only with chunky pico de gallo rather than the blended version in the fish taco recipe.

Fruit on the side.

Izz had four pieces of the fish and some cantaloupe and grape as well.

Oh, and a couple of Coronas each for me and Dean.

DINNER TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $17.62

MEALS DAY 25 TOTAL: $23.35
This is the third time I've done this grocery budget project, and I have to say that tracking all the meals in the last week is always such drudgery. I can't imagine keeping track of everything I eat for longer than a month.

One more post to go for today!


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