Big Announcement!
I've been leading up to something big for a while now, and here it is! Starting on June 11th, I am going to publish a new post on this blog for 30 straight days! That's right, 30 straight days of food and insanity from your favorite little blog. I know this might be the outstanding to some and frightening to others. Let me assure you that if you follow this blog for the entire 30-day adventure, you will never look at food, or me, the same way again!
Puree's That Can Get Rid Of Crabs
What women WON'T Lick Off Of You
Fun and games aside, there is one bit of business to address. While I have a good number of ideas for blog posts, I would love for you, the reader, to throw me some ideas, or, ask me a question about myself you might want to know. You could ask me anything you want! The crazier the question, the better! Be warned, you ask me something crazy, you will probably get a crazy answer!
So please, leave your comments on what you would like to see on the blog or know about this sexy, single, suave negro from Southern California.
Until then, take care and leave me some comments!
I'm out!!!
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