Cauliflower Cake

Today in Oklahoma we are having blizzard conditions. Jim 
and I are home from work.......and of course,  I'm spending my 
day putting around in the kitchen.

I've been looking at this recipe on the Guardian website for 
a couple of months.  If you haven't heard of the Guardian, it's a
British daily newspaper.  In the food and drink section they 
have some really exciting chefs with really wonderful ideas.   I love 
their website because they have some unique things I might not
regularly think to make,  like this Cauliflower Cake by Yotam 
Ottolenghi.  Ottolenghi's motto is that their food is "familiar and 
straight forward,yet highly innovate".  So true.....

Think of this cake as a crust-less quiche or it even reminds me of
 the Spanish omelette I made a few weeks ago.  It's quite heavy and 
dense and reminded Jim of cornbread.  The rosemary and basil
infuse the egg mixture and give the cake a rich mellow flavor.  This 
would be really fun to adapt to different herbs and maybe even of 
some meat.  I might make it next time with Thyme and some grilled

 Cauliflower Cake

Adapted from Yotam Ottolenghi

(printable copy)

1 medium cauliflower
1 large red onion
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped rosemary
10 eggs
basil, a good handful chopped
1 1/2 cups plain flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
2 cups parmesan cheese
salt and pepper
butter (for greasing sides of pan)
2 tablespoons sesame seeds

Heat the oven to 350 degrees. Break the cauliflower into medium
florets, put them in a pot with a teaspoon of salt, cover with water

and simmer for 15 minutes, until quite soft. Strain, and leave in the

colander for a few minutes to get rid of all the water.

While the cauliflower’s cooking, prepare the batter. Cut a few thin
rings off one end of the onion and set aside (these will go on top
of the cake); coarsely chop the rest of the onion. 

Heat the oil in a pan and on a low heat sauté the chopped onion 

and rosemary until soft and transparent.. Remove from the heat, 

let cool down, add the eggs and basil, and whisk.
Sift the flour, baking powder and turmeric into a large bowl, and add
 the parmesan, one and a half teaspoons of salt and plenty of black
pepper. Add to the egg mix and whisk to eliminate lumps. Add the
cauliflower and stir gently, trying to keep some florets whole.
Use baking parchment to line the bottom of a 9-inch round 
spring-form pan. Brush the sides with butter, put in the sesame seeds and toss 
them around so they stick to the sides. Pour the cauliflower mix in 
and arrange the onion rings on top.
Bake the cake in the middle of the oven for 45 minutes, until golden
brown and set. Serve just warm or at room temperature.
Yield:  6-8 servings

Cauliflower cake would be perfect to take on a picnic with a 
good bottle of wine.  Funny how I'm thinking of a picnic by the
lake on the coldest day we have had so far this year.  Oh well......
I can at least dream of green grass, warmth and sunshine.........

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