If You’re a Bachelor, and Don't Want to Get Married, DO NOT Enter a House with Potato and Kale Stained Socks on the Door Handle!

Colcannon is a recipe I've wanted to do a video on for a long time. It's a super simple, but delicious Irish comfort food that would be a great side dish choice for any St. Patrick's Day menu.

I'm not sure when I'm going to have time to do my take on this, but
in the meantime here's a video from my friend, and About.com's British & Irish Food Guide, Elaine Lemm. Elaine is a very talented cook and writer, and her site on About is filled with wonderful recipes.

According t
o Elaine, back in the day Colcannon was used to predict marriages on Halloween. Apparently small charms were added to the Colcannon and whichever unmarried girl found one would place socks, some Colcannon, and the charms on their front door handle. The first man to enter the house was their future husband. Sounds like a great system. Enjoy!

Photo (c) RFB Photography

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