Avec Eric

They say that inspiration can come from anywhere. You know what? They are right. You can be driving down the street and see something that will inspire you to read a book or write a song. You may see a plastic grocery bag floating in a breeze and think "Wow, that kid from 'American Beauty' must have been really high to zone out on this.". Where was I going with this........oh yeah, INSPIRATIONS!

Some people search far and wide just to get the creative juices flowing. Some simply look out the window or take a walk around the block. For me, I never have to really look that far. I can usually find inspiration within my career, that is to say, the food biz. Drugs or booze were never really needed for this process. Sure, I may have already downed 3 shots of whiskey as I'm writing this, but I don't need to do that to write. I just like to. :)

From time to time I'll head to Barnes & Noble and skim through some of the new cook books out there. I'll laugh for a bit at all the losers and half-wits who got cook books(i.e. cast offs of various reality cooking shows), then I'll grab a book from a chef that I know is at the top of their game. Guys like Rick Bayless and Eric Ripert. When you see chefs like these two cook, you can see the passion that they have for what they do. You can see how much pride they have for even the simplest of dishes that they prepare. I see that and it makes me want to get in the kitchen. So what if it's 2 a.m.! I'm gonna get my ass in that kitchen and try something! 3 a.m.? Yeah, I'll wait until the morning.

What inspired me to make the dish above was an internet video I saw of Eric Ripert. You might have seen him doing a quick demo on a morning show like "Today" or "Good Morning, America". I mostly see him on No Reservation with Anthony Bourdain. He's the calm, cool French guy that Bourdain can never get a rise out of. When Bourdain went back to his old job to work a double, he dragged Ripert on the line with him because he thought he would suffer just as much as he was. Ripert just smiled and did his job. Bourdain got annoyed because Ripert actually enjoyed himself!

Eric Ripert actually has his own cooking show on PBS called Avec Eric. His latest book has the same title as well.

Simply put, I dig this guys style. Simple, fresh, and delicious. He makes it all look so easy. I could say more, but it will be easier to see for yourself.

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