Food Truckin' It Part 2!

Here we are people! Part 2 of this sizzling, three day epic culinary journey! Wow, that makes this whole thing seem a lot nicer than the brutal truth of what is really going on here. But we aren't gonna talk about that now. We are gonna talk about this green and black monster in the above picture. This is the Dogzilla truck. And you guessed it, they are knocking out the hot dogs.

I had no idea that another truck was gonna be at the same location as the Burnt truck. Was I surprised? Not really. Most of these gourmet trucks run in packs. It's better for business and I see nothing wrong with this in any way.

This time I actually took a picture of some of their menu. Here's what I got.

I had never seen this truck before this day, but as soon as I saw this menu, I knew what I was going to try. The Loco Moco Dog.

For those of you that don't know what a loco moco is, I will explain. It's origin is as a Hawaiian box lunch. It usually starts with 2 scoops of rice, 2 hamburger patties, brown gravy, 2 over-easy eggs with a side of macaroni salad. To sum it up, it's a heart attack in a to-go box. But it fucking rocks. I lived in Hawaii for a short time, and I can still remember my first loco moco. I remember opening up the box and thinking "Holy Shit! All this food for 6 buck?!?!". Seriously, it's a lot of food. But so, so good. When they talk about food that will stick to your ribs, this is what they mean. When I finished the meal, I didn't want to move. Even to take a piss. I figured my pants were dark, maybe no one would notice.

Seeing that they had a take on a loco moco just brought back all those wonderful memories of Hawaii. I had to try it. They had some side orders, but I wasn't interested in trying anything else.

I stepped up and made my order. The guy taking the order was like "Yeah bruh, you gonna like this one."

Here is the Loco Moco Dog in all it's glory.

To be safe, I grabbed a fork and a wad of napkins with me before heading back to the car. I considered using the fork, then I said screw it. I picked it up and ate it like any other dog. The first couple bites were mostly dog and onion. Both were good. At this point, I really started to hit the egg and spam and gravy. 

Honestly, it seemed that the spam and hot dog almost blended together. I was expecting it to stand out, but it was more of a side note. The gravy was a tad on the mundane side, which is fairly common ground with the loco moco. What was a nice touch was the runny yolk. Once it broke, and you get that with the grilled onions and hot dog, it really does create something special. 

The final touch is with the nori. There was just a little sprinkled on there, but it added a great, subtle touch to the whole thing. It really added that extra little something to it. I might have to start using that on dishes I make at home.

When I finished eating, I managed to roll my ass back to the truck to let 'em know I liked it. 

Let me just say this: The guys that run this truck are really cool dudes. I say this because 1. They are cool dudes. and 2. Not all food trucks have friendly people working there. They were in between customers, so one of the guys came out the truck and we talked for a little while. He told me how when they first started, it was just a weekend thing, maybe twice a month. Then, after they saw how they were doing at local fairs, they took the plunge, quit their day jobs, and did the truck-thing full time. A year and a half later, here they are.

When a few more customers showed up, he had to get back to work. At this point, I really didn't want to move that much, so I figured I would go sit down to some coffee and sudoku, and let that food settle.

I drove just a couple blocks down to the Starbucks on Chapman, located near a Best Buy and Wendy's. As I pull in, I see another food truck in the parking lot! This one is......

You really think I was gonna tell you now? HA! You should know better! But don't cry too much. Tomorrow, we will reach that sweet, sweet climax of this incredible journey. Hopefully at the same time! Until then, have fun my friends!

J. Miller

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