REVIEW | Monica & Clara's 1-day & 3-day juice cleanse with Belmonte Raw

We've all heard the good, the bad and the ugly about juice cleanses. Some people claim that it works wonders and others have said there is no scientific evidence supporting it. We figured we'd try out Belmonte Raw's juice cleanse judge for ourselves.

For those who don't know, a juice cleanse consists of replacing most if not all of your meals with a cold-pressed juice.  They claim to reset our bodies and allow our organs to rest from having to digest food all the time. Wait! Don't go to your fridge and start drinking your store bought orange juice though. Juice cleanses are about drinking nutrient-dense juices without adding anything else to it.

How can a juice cleanse that makes you drink your fruits and veggies be bad? Well, some people point out that the amount of veggies and fruits it takes to get one juice is more than what your body should be consuming in a day and that a lot of the nutrients actually comes from the fibre of the fruits and veggies, which tend to be broken down during the cold-press process.

Belmonte Raw offers a variety of cleanses to match whatever your needs may be. If you're starting out new to juice cleanses like Monica, you can choose ones that are less intense or even a cleanse that incorporates a salad as one of your meals.

Monica decided to try The Deep cleanse for 1-day and I chose The Deepest Cleanse for 3-days.

Here's what you can expect from the doing The Deep cleanse for 1 day:

1 Antiox Smoothie
1 Refresh
1 Chlorophyl
l Elixir
1 Vanilla Cashew Milk
1 Revive
1 Clarity
1 Uplift
1 Liver Cleanse Tea

The Deepest cleanse consists of the following:

1 Drive
1 Strength
1 Chlorophyl
l Elixir
1 Vanilla Cashew Milk
1 Revive
1 Detox
1 Drive
1 Liver Cleanse Tea

Picking when to do the juice cleanse is almost as important as the type of cleanse that you chose. I obviously was not in a clear state of mind when I chose my 3-days and decided to do it when I had day long meetings and work pot lucks. That made it difficult for me to focus on drinking juices when people around me were having tacos and chips!

I found the first day to be the most difficult as it was a lot to change from a solid diet to a completely liquid one. I definitely missed eating whole foods during the cleanse but when the cleanse was finally over, those cravings were gone. I stuck to a healthier, clean diet. I don't think my body felt any different after those 3 days but not eating junk food for 3 days straight was enough to make me want to do a juice cleanse again.

Mentally, it taught me a lot of self control - more than I thought I had... I turned away from chips and cookies at work even though it was readily available.

A juice cleanse is worth trying out if your diet right now is not what you want it to be or if you are constantly eating junk food. Just keep in mind that they aren't miracles, it takes time and effort to keep a healthy lifestyle but it's definitely something you won't regret. 

Belmonte Raw offers more than just organic, cold-pressed juices. They also have organic, raw foods readily available. Did we mention that they deliver to your door on the first day of your cleanse? We were able to get our juices delivered to our work by calling in, but you can order online, too.

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