Leonard Nimoy's Advice on Being True to Yourself

The internet is abuzz this week with fond remembrance and celebration of Leonard Nimoy and his legacy of intelligence and kindness among other gifts. This was his response to a young biracial girl who wrote to him in 1968, worried that she'd never gain acceptance or popularity with her peers because of her mixed heritage.

Having grown up bi-cultural and feeling that same sense of unbelonging for much of my childhood, I know today his words are sound advice and inspiration for all of us who have felt marginalized at some point in our lives for any reason.

"...it was only (Spock's) need for popularity that was ruining his happiness. The question was: which was more important, being 'popular' with the pack who might turn against him at any minute or being true to himself?


It takes a great deal of courage to turn your back on popularity and to go out on your own. 

...There's a little voice inside each of us that tells us when we're not being true to ourselves. We should listen to this voice.

Spock learned he could save himself from letting prejudice get him down. He could do this by really understanding himself and knowing his own value as a person.  You can do this too, if you realize the difference between popularity and true greatness. It has been said that 'popularity' is merely the crumbs of greatness.

When you think of people who are truly great and who have improved the world, you can see that they are people who have realized they don't need popularity because they knew they had something special to offer the world, no matter how small that offering seemed. And they offered it and it was accepted with peace and love. It's all in having the patience to find out what you yourself have to offer the world that's really uniquely yours..."

His complete response for your enjoyment and enlightenment:

To embracing our unique greatness and offering it to the Universe with love.

Live long and prosper. <3


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