$138 A Week For Groceries - About Leftovers & Day 18 Meals (Tuesday)

This heat and humidity are wretched.

Salad. Always good for hot, humid days.

Leftovers, however, are not.


Leftovers got me through Tuesday.

I love leftovers.

As always, I've included a meal total and per serving total on the blog. The detailed ingredient cost breakdown HERE.


For me, a half PB&J. For Dean, a ham sandwich. 

For Joey, a bowl of TJ's Honey Nut O's. 

Coffee for all three of us as well. We ran out of the coffee I bought last week yesterday, but then I remembered LAM gave us some coffee from the farmers market. Hooray for LAM and proper caffeination! :D (For strict accounting purposes, however, that coffee does not get counted in this budget. Gifts happen, and they are free. :) )

Our breakfasts used to be so much more interesting before Izz came along, and I only note that because I was looking at my first grocery budget diary from before she came along. But I'd eat all the boring breakfasts in the world every day for her.

Izz had a banana, some Cheddar Rockets, and a handful of blueberries. And milk as usual.

BREAKFAST TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $3.15 


For Dean, some of the leftover spaghetti with that Slow Cooker Tomato Pasta Sauce with Italian Snausage that I made on Sunday, an apple, and a handful of the TJ's dark chocolate sea salt almonds Marcy gave us.

For me,  a salad made with the very last piece of the carne asada we grilled last week, a cucumber, and the half tomato left from making Dean's breakfast sandwich dressed with the leftover Blended Pico de Gallo and Garlic Lime Crema I made the day we had tacos, and topped with chopped cilantro and a squeeze of lime.

For Joey, his usual juice pouch and apple. But then he came home and had a bowl of cereal and two hot dogs.

Izz had a half PB&J and more blueberries and milk.

LUNCH TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $4.14


was the last of that Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup I made last week with some toasted ciabatta on the side and optional chopped green onions, cilantro, chilies, and lime wedges for garnish. The wine you see was a gift.

Izz had a little of the soup, but then she also asked for eggs, so she had a couple of boiled eggs (without the yolks), and half a tangelo.

I also had some of those root veg chips after dinner while watching the first 5 minutes of 5 or 6 different documentaries before I settled on a David Attenborough special. Baby rhinos are adorable.

DINNER TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $2.57


And that's how leftovers saved the day yesterday. Plus we also got all the leftovers eaten before they went bad in this hot weather, and that always feels good.

As we're halfway through the budget, I'll try to put together a half-time analysis of expenditures so far, Izz willing.

Happy Humpday. :)


This post is part of my 30 Day Grocery Budget Diary. To see all the posts of this series in reverse chron order, click HERE.

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