Sochi Figure Skating Scandal: Athleticism Favored Over Artistry? Seriously?

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• Read Related Articles: 

(1) Sochi Figure Skating Scandal:  What's Next? A Possible Agenda To The Next Stage
(2) Sochi Figure Skating Scandal: (Mostly) Objective and (Somewhat) Mathematical Analysis of Why Kim Yuna Should Have Won the Gold Medal
(3) Sochi Figure Skating Scandal: Worldwide Figure Skating Fans' Letter to International Sports Journalists and Figure Skating Insiders

It just so happened that I watched Tara and Johnny on NBC, defending the figure skating judging controversy in Sochi.  I almost fell out of my chair when I heard them spread this false information on national TV, but soon I remembered they had repeated the same phrases while commentating on NBC Sports Network for the last few days.  And it seems to work, leading their viewers to accept it as being true.  

1.  Some say Sotnikova earned the gold medal by doing 7 triple jumps, one triple jump more than Kim; her free skate was more difficult than Kim’s as its total base value was higher.

2.  Some say it’s because figure skating is now math under COP (new scoring system) and Sotnikova figured out better ways to garner more points in this subject; the math defeated the art.

3.  Some say, even though Sotnikova bobbled on a three-jump combination, she bravely attacked it while Kim skated with less energy; athleticism was favored over artistry.

Wrong.  Totally wrong.  And as a loyal follower of the sport since Robin Cousins and as a mom who can skate, I don’t think I'm not qualified to chime in on what’s wrong with such lame defenses.

1.  Base Value Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Actual Score

In figure skating, each jump has a base (numerical) value.  When a jump is under-rotated , it is indicated by < and its value is adjusted, according to which, a grade of execution (GOE) from +3 to -3 is weighted.  

For example, if a triple Lutz is under-rotated, its base value is adjusted from 6.0 to 4.2 with GOE at the discretion of every Judge.  On the other hand, if a triple Lutz is downgraded, it is indicated by << and treated as a double; hence, its base value is adjusted from 6.0 to 2.1 with GOE at the discretion of every judge.

GOE:  Nine judges on the panel get elements sent to their computer by the Technical Panel for marking and they give a mark for grade of execution (GOE), ranging from -3 to +3.

When performing a jump in competition you can improve your score by achieving a higher grade of execution GOE. You can receive +1, +2, or +3 based on the number of bullets you achieve below.

1.    Unexpected, creative, difficult entry
2.    Clear recognizable steps/free skating movements immediately preceding element
3.    Varied position in the air/delay in rotation
4.    Great height and/or distance
5.    Superior extension on landing/creative exit
6.    Superior flow in and out (and in-between in jump combinations/sequences)                                                             
                                                            (Quoted from

As you may know by now, a base value doesn’t necessarily mean the actual score.  It is just like a doctoral dissertation proposal, it you will.  To receive a degree, you have to write a dissertation and pass the dissertation defense.  Likewise, to earn the actual score, you must perform the scheduled elements and get them ratified.  If you fail, you will receive less points than your proposed base values.

2.  Judges Did Math but Gave Wrong Answer

And understandably to your surprise, a total base value of Kim’s two programs (88.92) were lower than Sotnikova’s (91.86) by only 2.94 points margin. There was never a 5.48 points separation in their base values as others say.

In Short Program, Kim’s base value was 1 point higher than Sotnikova’s, but her GOE was 1.04 points lower while her PCS is only 0.34 points higher than Sotnikova’s. Can you believe this?  Kim, aka, the Textbook Jumper, got lower GOE's on jumps!  And here lies the key to untangle this judging scandal. 

Short Program
Base Value

In Free Skate, Kim’s base value was 3.94 points lower than Sotnikova’s and her GOE was 1.91 points lower while her PCS is only 0.09 points higher than Sotnikova’s.

Free Skate
Base Value

So, Kim’s total base value was just 2.94 points lower than Sotnikova’s and it was GOE's and PCS's that changed the color of a medal.  And the judges’ negligence, intended or not, in penalizing Sotnikova’s cheated jumps played a crucial role in it.

Base Value

Now, compare the quality of Kim's and Sotnikova's triple Flip and the GOE's in Short Program:

Her Triple Flip received +1.2 GOE
Her Triple Flip received +1.1 GOE

In terms of the flow in and out of the jump, take-off edge, air-position, number of revolutions in the air, and distance, whose do you think was better and deserved a higher GOE?  Look at Sotnikova's wobbly left foot right after a 3 turn into the take-off.  

When such miscalculation in numbers adds up, then it changes the outcome.

In last European Figure Skating Championships held in January 2014, just a month prior to Sochi Olympics, Sotnikova's triple Lutz received a wrong edge call and got a negative GOE (-1.70) (four -3's and five -2's from nine judges) but its base value score wasn't even adjusted. (Click on the image to see the original size version.)

But just a month later in Sochi, her flutz was fully ratified (hence no deduction) and garnered a 10.10 point base value and also a positive GOE (1.00).  Only one judge gave her a negative GOE (-1) and there was even +3 point GOE from one judge.  Kim's magnificent textbook Lutz earned only 0.60 points more than Sotnikova's cheated flutz.

And one might say, "What if she has already fixed that jump?"  

But no, it's simply impossible.  After years of learning and training, your body memorizes the technique, right or wrong.  

Now, here's a clip that shows Sotnikova's fully-ratified Flutz in Sochi:

Triple Lutz-Triple Toe

Sotnikova's change of the take-off edge from outside to inside just before the vault is obvious: FLUTZ.

And the obvious pre-rotation (entry) and under-rotation (exit) on her second triple - triple Toe. Which means her triple Toe was under-rotated by 1/4 or 1/2.

Neither her Flutz nor her under-rotated Toe received any deduction or downgrade.  Instead, the judges gifted her with a 10.10 point base value and also a positive GOE (1.00). 

Too frustrating not only for the fans but for the skaters.

Did you already forget how long Mao Asada of Japan had struggled to fix her flutz yet the problem still remains?  And how Miki Ando hurt her shoulder and left knee while trying to fix her Lip (cheated Flip) in 2007?  And how her injury forced her to withdraw during her free skate at the 2008 Four Continents?  

How unfair!  The ISU judges should've let Asada and Ando just jump their way and given them scores just like they did for Sotnikova and Lipnitskaya in Sochi.

Seriously. If you don't want to appreciate the athletes who play by the rule book, then why bother.  Just lose all the difficult and different jump techniques and let the skaters jump their way.  Don't let the poor skaters waste their time and energy and get injured over and over while training to master those techniques.

3. Kim Yuna the Textbook Jumper

It's a known fact that Kim's jumps are all textbook even though she does not do a triple Loop in competitions afraid of any further injury.  

Triple Lutz
Triple Lutz-Triple Toe

Triple Flip
Triple Flip
Triple Salchow
Triple Loop
Triple Toe
Double Axel-Triple Toe

No other skaters can jump like Kim.  Honestly, even with my 30+ years of experience as a figure skating fanatic, without protocols or a little help from commentators, many times it's really hard to tell the types of jumps (except an Axel) executed by some other skaters.  

On the other hand, all Kim's jumps need no clarification. Her glide into the entry, her take-off edge, her leg positions, and her landing straightforwardly tell me the type of jumps she just executed.  Up until this Wednesday, her jumps have garnered the highest GOE's because of the quality of execution, technique, height, speed, flow and ice coverage (distance). 

Yet only because Sotnikova did seven flawed/cheated triple jumps while Kim did six flawless textbook jumps, now everyone is saying Sotnikova is more technical and athletic than Kim.  As if we were back in the old 6.0 era. 

4. Athleticism Favored Over Artistry in Sochi?  

Since when Kim Yuna did become just a ballerina on ice?  

Mr. Scott Hamilton, did you already forget that you called Kim the total package?  A perfect combination of athleticism and artistry?  As you already know, without athleticism, there's no artistry. Only and only if a skater is equipped with perfect skills and techniques, she can deliver an artistic performance, not the other way around.

And shame on you, judges!  How could you possibly gift Sotnikova with almost 3 point higher GOE's when her jumps are clearly several notches below Kim's quality of execution, technique, height, speed, flow and ice coverage (distance)?  Just take a look and compare!  

Double Axel-Double Toe-Double Loop
(Triple Flip)-Double Toe-Double Loop

Sotnikova 's double Loop was obviously under-rotated with a wobbly, shaky (and possibly two-footed) landing but didn't get any deduction and also her negative GOE was just -0.90 points while Kim's beautifully executed, technically superb jump combination was rewarded with just 0.79 point GOE.  

And judges, could you kindly explain to me why you gave her +3 point GOE's 33 times while Kim only received +3 point GOE's only 13 times in Free Skate?  How could you possibly do that?

Captured from KBS News aired on 02/21/2014

Please don't be fooled by Kim's seamless jumps. Her jumps look easy but it's never easy to make them look easy.  And also, don't be fooled by Sotnikova's jumps. Landing  jerky, noisy, pounding jumps doesn't necessarily mean that she skated with more energy and attack.

Let me quote Dragonlady, a long-time poster at the ISU figure skating forum since 2005, who is not even a Kim Yuna fan:

It's not just height in the jumps, it's height and distance. Adelina's jumps went up and down in a smaller arc, which is why she didn't have the same speed on her runouts. She didn't have entries or exits which were as difficult. Her jumps received a plethora of +3's, 33 in total. Her opening combo marks ranged from -1 to +3. I honestly didn't see any elements worthy of +3's, because of the lack of difficult entries and exits. Rough around the edges is the best general description of her skating. 

Now, let's watch the three different versions of Kim's triple Lutz-triple Toe combination jump she executed in her free skate in Sochi. You will see camera angle is everything and it really is deceiving when you compare the distance she traveled in the air portrayed by the three different cameras.

Russian Version
NBC Version
Fancam Version 1
Fancam Version 2

No one knows if the Russians purposely shot Kim's jumps that way but one thing I know for sure is the Russian camera angle didn't do her jumps justice. It is an absolute lie that Kim's jumps were not as high as, or didn't travel as far as, they used to be or do.

5. Step Sequences or Cheaters' Shortcuts?

Up until Sochi Olympics, Kim's exquisite step sequences and elegant spins with good speed, clarity and precision (deep clean edges) have received  Level 4. In Sochi, however, she got Level 3's on her step sequences and her layback spin while Sotnikova's juniorish steps and spins earned the maximum Level 4's.  And it's really surprising that Sotnikova was the only skater in this event who received Level 4's on step sequences and spins both in Short Program and Free Skate.

Let's compare Kim's and Sotnikova's step sequences:

Level 4

Level 3

In terms of the speed, clarity and precision (use of deep clean edges), whose do you think was better and deserved Level 4? 

At least, I've got the answer. 

If you still haven't figured it out, then see for yourself the incomparable quality of Kim's step sequences.  First, look carefully at the right foot and compare Kim and Sotnikova side by side in terms of the use of deep and clean edges, the control of the edges, then check the use of the upper body and arms, and then the overall flows and duration:

(Click for an in-depth analysis of Kim's and Sotnikova's step sequences
by Blade of Passion, a poster on the Golden Skate forum.)
(Click for this valuable evaluation of Kim's and Sotnikova's step sequences
by ladyepheu, a poster on the Golden Skate forum.)

And  the following video will show you how Kim was cheated out of her second Olympic gold by the "numbers", even though it is just part of the abundant evidence against the Sochi insults, sorry, results:

6. If Kim's Strength Is Artistry, Why Was Her PCS So Low?

Now, let talk about "Artistry".

While Kim was labeled "just" an artist on ice who lacks athleticism "in Sochi," she received only 0.43 points more for her overall PCS score than Sotnikova.  

In last 2013–14 Grand Prix of Figure Skating Finals held in December 2013, just about two months prior to Sochi Olympics, Sotnikova received 91.32 points for her PCS score, 18.61 points lower than her Olympic score. 

Do you know how many years it took Kim to be able to earn her PCS as high as 110.39 points in Sochi?  Five years and a half since 2008 when she received a similar PCS to Sotnikova's earned at 2013-2014 Grand Prix Final. It took five+ years for Kim but only two months was enough for Sotnikova. Wow.

The following pictures show the obviously drastic changes that have occurred to Sotnikova's PC scores in such a short period of time.  (Click on the image to see the original size version.)

That said, we were all wrong. Sotnikova is the artist on ice.

Yet again, let me quote Dragonlady on Sotnikova's PCS:

Her PCS marks were similarly inflated. Low to mid 8's are reasonable, which is what she received at Europeans. High 9's are near perfection. This was not anywhere near perfection. There was very little program in that program. It was a series of elements skated with music playing.

And that's not all, Folks.  There's a 30.65 point difference between her technical score at GPF and in Sochi.  So, is it in fact Sotnikova who is the total package?

Grand Prix Final

Her overall score made a quantum leap from 173.30 to 224.59 (gaining 51.29 more points in about two months) and her free skate score of 149.95 is just 0.11 point shy of Kim's 2010 world record (150.06 points) for her legendary "Gershwin" performance. 

And there, I'm speechless. Can any insiders explain such sudden improvement to us?  Is this ever possible?  Did it ever happen in the history of figure skating before Sochi?  Please answer us. 

Well... wait a second, I think I've figured out the answer myself in this post.  

Had the judges fairly penalized Sotnikova's cheated, under-rotated, and two-footed jumps, had they not played with the PCS's and GOE's accordingly, her score would have never come close to Kim's, not to mention the 50+ points inflation.  

For, as I told you earlier, when such miscalculation in numbers adds up, then it changes the outcome.

Seriously, wasn't her virtual tie with Kim after Short Program laughably ridiculous and ridiculously laughable? Some say it's because Kim skated earlier. Then how would they explain Mao Asada's free skate score of 142.71? She skated early in the second group, too - not that Asada didn't deserve the score.  

When this scandal is investigated, they have to take the SP results into serious account as the fix was in way before the ladies event started.

Here's my blog reader's take on the SP results in Sochi:

Yuna's Send in the clowns was one of the most exquisite and elegant SP I've ever seen and it would have written a new history and broken her Vancouver record if the judges awarded the grades properly. 
It seems as though they were looking for things to lower her grade because she simply had no errors - Her Triple lutz toe combo only got 1.5 GOE when she should have gotten close to 2 or higher based on her perfect execution.  Adelina got 1.6 GOE for Triple Toe-Tripple Toe combo (even when Yuna's Triple combo was technically more difficult.
Yuna's Triple flip GOE was only 1.1, which is also under-rated and lower than Adelina's, which is also a mystery - some judge gave 0 GOE to Yuna's flip although it would have been eliminated as the lowest score.
And Yuna nailed double axel and only got GOE of 1 when she should have gotten close to 2 or higher based on her perfect execution. Adelina got the same GOE of 1 as well and the execution was not as perfect as Yuna.
And Yuna's step sequence was given level 3. I mean did judges even have eyes? while Adelina got level 4 and GOE of 1.5, which was so inflated.  And FCSp4 component - Yuna only got 0.93 and Adelina got 1.29. 
And PCS? Are you kidding me? Judges gave Yuna couple 7's and lots of 8's when her performance clearly deserved 9's and even 10's. Even when Yuna's SP was yet to polished completely when she debuted it in Zagreb, the PCS score was even higher. Adelina, when not as polished as Yuna, got 8's and 9's all over in PCS. 
So basically, the judges managed to make up for the Triple combination base value difference with anything else they could salvage. I can't help but think Yuna was just grilled for no reason other than to make some else a gold medalist. 
If only Yuna would have gotten proper score, TES would increase about at least 2~3 points and PCS score should increase at least about 2 points as well in SP only.

Some people call figure skating fans like myself crybabies. I hope they know by now that they are mistaken 'cause I just want true sportsmanship and integrity to be restored to the sport of figure skating.  So, if you agree with me, please sign the petition and also this new petition for the future of the sport.  Of course, I have already signed, not because I'm a Korean American but because I love and respect the sport, especially the beautiful and precious skaters.


P.S. Dearest Tara, would you please stop insulting and disgracing Kim Yuna on national TV?  Do you really think she had no guts out there?  Let me quote Tamar Katz. a four-time Israeli national ladies figure skating champion:

Let's flip this around. Let's say we were in South Korea and Yuna skated earlier and Adelina drew to skate last? What do you think would have happened? I personally think Adelina would have caved under the pressure. Yuna waited 45 minutes to skate and took the ice knowing that she had to be perfect to win. The Russian crowd is not a friendly crowd. The judging in the short program was dubious at best. It takes a whole other kind of athlete to deliver a clean performance under those conditions. 

You didn't notice Kim's face looked quite puffy and sick, did you?  She was (and still is) suffering from a cracked foot (1.5 centimeter(1/2 inch)-long) and injured shoulders. She was in hospital even one day before her flight to Sochi. Yet, she pulled off two straight stellar performances in front of the roaring, chanting Russian crowd and in front of those judges. 

And she surely didn't go to Sochi to "take a vacation".  If you must continue to commentate, then please learn how to read between the lines; and if you must continue to work with the skaters from other countries than the US, please learn about their cultures and manners.

Asians, especially Kim Yuna, tend to be more careful and reserved about the things they do and say 'cause they are more people-oriented while people in America like you tend to be more of a goal-oriented individualist.  Even  back then in Vancouver, she never said, "I will win gold!; I want to be the Olympic champion" or anything even close to that.  (Of course, she was hungry for a gold medal.)  And as a matter of fact, not even once since she became a senior skater. 

Please stop behaving like America is the center of the universe and I hope you show the Queen some respect she deserves.  

And Johnny, Kim was not flat.  We call it poised and graceful.

And you two surely look cute in those matching outfits.


(UPDATE 4)  Statistical Analysis of Sochi Ladies Figure Skating results, made based on Tiziano Virgili's analysis.  Mr. Virgili is a professor of Physics at University of Salerno and he worked at CERN.  For more details, please go to read his statistical anaysis:


(UPDATE 3)  Want to know how the scores are rigged in figure skating?  Then watch the video below.

(UPDATE 2)  I just found this amazing video epitomizing what's wrong with the figure skating judging in Sochi.  Bravo, Brava, Bravi to whoever made this!

(UPDATE 1) As stated above, the GOE marks are given to skaters in terms of the quality of execution, technique, height, speed, flow and "ice coverage".  In figure skating, "ice coverage" means the "use of the ice surface".  And skaters who cover more ice while gliding or executing required elements are said to have greater ice coverage and get higher GOE marks.

As Patrick Clarke mentioned in his article, "On the ice, her (Kim's) elegance and ice coverage set her apart and give her a critical edge," but in fact, it wasn't reflected on her marks.

Now compare Kim's ice coverage throughout her free skate to Sotnikova's:

•  Please sign these petitions for the future of the sport

(1) International Skating Union (ISU): Open Investigation into Judging Decisions of Women's Figure Skating and Demand Rejudgement at the Sochi Olympics 
(2) Apologize and give Yuna Kim the gold medal back. Purify ISU Judging system and and give everyone solemn words that ISU will not be affected by sponsorship and lobbying, for the sake of sportsmanship 
 Join this Facebook group - Golden Yuna - created by a Canadian figure skating fan.
• Visit this "Sochi Scandal" site on Pinterest.

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