Zito's Pizza

Welcome back! This is the first post since completing the Thirty Straight Days Of Blogging adventure. Let me tell you, that was quite the blogging work out! I don't know how people put out quality posts everyday and not go completely bat-shit crazy.

Since then, I've had time to live a little and let the battery recharge. In that time, I've tried some really good food, experimented with desserts in hopes of creating new dishes, was treated to Korean BBQ by wonderful friends, and have seen homeless people park their shopping carts like cars. Don't believe me about that last part? Check this out:

I'll probably burn in hell a few weeks for this, but I found this very amusing!

Anyway, this blog post isn't about how well homeless people can park their shopping carts, it's about pizza. Good pizza, for that matter! I just so happened to find some good pizza at Zito's Pizza. Let me tell you all about it...

During a day off from work, I hopped on my bike and let the wheels go wherever they wanted to go. I got on a major street and decided to ride until I found a decent place to hang out and rest. Whether it be a Starbucks or a strip club, I was going to find comfortable surroundings.

About 45 minutes in, I came upon Zito's. It looked like a decent place and the sign said it was New York style pizza. Plus, they had a "by the slice" deal for lunch. I didn't need anymore encouragement at that point.

When you walk in, the place has a sports bar feel to it. All the TV's had some sort of sports show going on and there are team banners as far as the eye can see. All the tables are large and are made for a lot of diners. But, it didn't have a grimy feel like some sports bars. Definitely family friendly, as there were about 4 or 5 kids there when I was there, not to mention a mini arcade.

After checking out the menu, I ordered mini corndogs, 2 slices of pepperoni and a drink. I know it seems like a lot, but a lot of NY style pizzas can be on the thin side.

First up was the corndogs.

These things tasted like corndogs should taste. Crispy outside with a hot, juicy wiener in the center. I do love me some hot and juicy wieners in my mouth!

A few minutes after the corndogs came out, I got my pizza. I can easily say I was diggin' the way they looked.

I picked up the first piece, and I could feel that the bottom of the slice was nice and crisp. That is such a beautiful fucking thing with pizza!

As I took my first bite, I could feel the cheese pulling away from the rest of the slice. The pepperoni had the slightest crunch to it around the edges. The sauce was seasoned well and not too sweet. The dough did have a bit more chew than expected, but it wasn't tough. It tasted like real pizza dough, not the shit you normally get from the more famous pizza chains.

The overall taste was great. Everything tasted really good. There really isn't anything else out there like a fresh slice of pizza.

Of course, I burnt the roof of my mouth pretty good after that first bite. After a sip or two of soda and scraping the dead skin out, I continued eating.

This picture above represents the point in time in which I realized that I ordered way too much food and was going to have pedal my ass out of there. Like I said earlier, I ordered two slices in case they were thin. Well, they weren't. I wasn't going to waste it, so I finished the slice. Luckily, there is a Starbucks a couple hundred yards away. I rode there and hung out a while to let the food settle.

And there you have it. I know pizza is a really common thing, but good pizza is far from common. My advice for you is to tell the major pizza chains to go fuck themselves and find a place like Zito's to get a real slice.

Zito's Pizza
1716 W. Chapman Ave.
Orange, CA 92868
(714) 939-1111

I'm out.

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