Maple Bacon Chocolate

It's blog post #99! One blog post away from the most incredible piece of work ever written on the face of this earth!!! OK, maybe it won't be that good, but it will definitely be a good read. In any case, what I have for you today is as simple as the title of this post. Chocolate with bits of bacon and hints of maple. Or is it that simple?

While some say you can put chocolate with anything, I disagree with that. There are some things I just don't want with chocolate. But, the idea of mixing chocolate with bacon has intrigued me. In fact, this bar of chocolate wasn't even my first run-in with this dastardly duo.

Every year around this time, the city of Garden Grove, CA has a strawberry festival. It's kind of like a state fair, except on a much smaller scale. You have a few small roller coasters, carnival games, and of course, lots and lots of food. One of the many eateries was selling chocolate covered bacon. I figured 'what the hell' and decided to give it a try. After two bites, I found the nearest trash can and threw that vile abomination away.

The strip of chocolate-bacon was almost ice cold. The bacon itself wasn't crisp, so I was chewing cold, stringy bacon. The chocolate tasted like they just melted down a bunch of bars of Hershey's or something like that. Just a complete cluster-fuck!

As bad as that was, it didn't scare me off of the idea. I figured some one-eyed, inbred carny had made that thing. If I ever saw a bacon-chocolate piece made from a reputable chocolate company, I would give it a try. Sure enough, as I'm strolling through my local grocery store, I see this chocolate bar from the company Chuao. I had heard of this company before and knew they had good chocolate. I couldn't find any reason not to try it at this point.

I broke off a small piece and took my first bite. The chocolate was a milk chocolate, probably around 30%. It had a softer mouth feel to it. The first flavors you get are from the bacon. You get that bit of saltiness right away, but it's not overpowering. As you chew, you can feel the small bits of bacon in the chocolate. They aren't large pieces, but you know it's there. After the hit of savory, you get the maple flavor at the end.

Overall, it's a good piece of chocolate.

Since I work around chocolate everyday, it's not a big deal for me. But for someone that doesn't, and likes to keep a little sweetness around the house, this could be a good buy for you. It's different, but in a good way.

If you are looking for a change in your chocolate routine, give this a try. Or give me a call. ;)

I'm out.

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