Birthday Cake Batter Crispy Rice Treats

March is a big birthday month for our family, my daughter Bay
and I have a birthday 3 days apart!   Next Friday Bay is having a
sleepover for hers and I'm planning on serving these yummy treats to 
all the girls.  I thought I had better try out the recipe this weekend just to 
make sure it was good.  You know I HAD to make sure.  I couldn't
take that chance that they might not be good.  Maybe that's why I 
kept going back for another one.... just to make sure mind you.....  

Birthday Cake Batter Crispy Rice Treats

3 Tbsp. butter
1 (10 oz) bag regular size marshmallows
1/4 cup dry cake mix
6 cups crispy rice cereal
1 (1.75 oz) container of sprinkles

Melt butter in a dutch oven over low heat and add marshmallows.  Stir until 
melted and add in dry cake mix and stir until combined.  Stir in cereal and mix 
thoroughly.  Pour in 1/2 the bottle of sprinkles and continue mixing.  
Using a spatula coated with non-stick cooking spray, press batter into a baking 
dish.  Top with the remaining sprinkles.  Let sit for a few minutes to firm up a bit.  

Well the verdict around our house is that they are even better that the
original treats and much cuter, if I do say so myself.  Come on and 
join the cake batter craze!  It's yummilicious!


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