Baked Oatmeal To-Go !

My husband Jim and I work at the same place.  We actually met at the Art and Engineering Supply store    where we work in 1985.  I love working with my husband!  We work in different departments though..I'm in the office and Jim is the Reprographics Manager doing all kinds of blueline/copy type of stuff.

Every Monday morning we head upstairs to our little kitchen at work and fill it to the brim with all kinds of groceries for the week.  I'm not sure how our fellow workers feel about us taking up so much of the fridge but we hardly ever go out to eat.  Lately we are trying to eat healthier so no more frozen dinners or heavy leftovers.  We are having lots of fruits and sandwiches on whole wheat bread.  

Breakfast has always been the hardest to eat healthy at work.  We have run the gamut of the not so healthy .....from Cereal bars, poptarts, muffins, even cold pizza.  Well......I've finally found the answer!  Healthy, convenient and delicious too! 

Baked Oatmeal To-Go!
(adapted from Cooking Light)

2 1/2 cups Old Fashioned Oats (uncooked) *can use quick
½ cup brown sugar, packed
½ cup craisins
1/4 cup walnuts, chopped
1 tsp. baking powder
1 ½ cups milk
½ cup unsweetened applesauce
2 tbsp. butter, melted
1 large egg, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  

Spray muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray and set aside.

Combine oats, brown sugar, craisins, walnuts, and baking powder in a medium bowl.  Stir.

Combine milk, applesauce, butter, and egg in a small bowl and stir.  

Add milk mixture to the oat mixture and stir to combine. (I like to let it set for a few minutes to thicken the milk mixture)

Fill muffin tins to the top, as mixture doesn’t rise much. 

Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean and edges are brown.

Allow to cool for 10 minutes then use a butter knife to loosen edges before removing from muffin tin.

Store in refrigerator for up to a week.  To re-heat microwave for 1 minute.

Note:  You can make 12 small muffins or use a larger muffin tin and make 6.

I have tried other baked oatmeal and not been a fan until I found this recipe. The old fashioned oats make it very substantial while the brown sugar gives it a subtle sweetness and a nice crunchy edge. Then you get the tart sweetness from the craisin.  Oh my!  If you're eating on the go like us you have to try these little gems.  They are changing the way we do breakfast!

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