
Mmmmm....doughnuts. If they are good enough for Homer Simpson, they are good enough for me. I'm gonna keep this one fairly short. No history lessons here, no long, drawn out speeches about it's effect on society. It's a god damn doughnut. Just eat one and enjoy!

Here's is doughnut #1. A blueberry cake doughnut. I've said this before, but I'm a sucker for anything blueberry. And guess what? I liked this freakin' doughnut! I got it from this little shop at the corner of Orangewood and Euclid. Too bad I can't remember the name of the place. Nice bit of advertising, huh?  Now here's a pic of me enjoying the doughnut.

Now for doughnut #2. Eclair with banana cream filling.

I went to Krispy Kream and planned on getting a seasonal doughnut. But because it's January, they didn't really have anything seasonal. If they would've had a MLK doughnut, I probably would have found that offensive and urinated in the middle of the shop in protest.

The doughnut was ok. It would've been better if it didn't take me 3 or 4 bites to get to the filling. Once you get to it, it's worth it.

Yeah, this is what I would call a "Me taking a break" post. This may be the first, but it won't be the last. Maybe next one I do, I'll get hammered off some beer I've never had and give a review on taste and hangover. Could be fun!

Here's one more sexy doughnut pic!

Until next time my friends!

J. Miller

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