Easy Comfort Food Recipes | Easy Cuban Food Recipes

A large skillet, 14 inches at least, with high sides and a lid
Now for the ingredients:
About 10 merguez sausages, the hottest, best
5 cloves garlic
Two and a half cups of parboiled rice
3 red peppers
Olive oil, cold pressed
First, beware of nasty things. Cut and chop the garlic, taking care to remove the stems. Cut and clean the peppers and sausage cut into small bite-sized Merguez.
Pour the oil - about 2 tablespoons, or 4 and fry the garlic. When it starts to brown, add the chorizo and fry until well browned on the outside.
Then add rice to the mix, making sure to stir well so that the rice is well coated with oil and grease from the sausage. The rice should have a nice red hue. After mixing well, add red peppers, which have been carefully cut into small pieces.
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