Gourmet Dog Biscuits

Every once in a while I like to take a little extra time and make 
my dogs homemade dog biscuits.  They go absolutely bonkers 
over these soft meaty treats!  Chip our chocolate lab couldn't 
wait till I got through taking pictures! She devoured two 
immediately after this shot.The key ingredient in the bones is 
the meat flavored baby food. Beech-Nut makes a Beef and Beef 
broth one I like to use but you can use any savory flavor you like.  

I have to tell you that my son Tanner came in and said they 
smelled so good that he ate one!  He had another just now.  He 
is my kid that will eat anything though.  He used to eat the ones 
at Petsmart when he was little.  Personally, I think he just likes to 
freak me out!  These doggy treats are all natural though and are 
safe for anyone.........even silly 17 year old guys.

Gourmet Dog Biscuits

(printable copy)

2 cups whole wheat flour
3/4 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup powdered milk
1 egg, beaten
5 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/4 cup water
2 jars strained meat flavored baby food 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large bowl combine all ingredients together and make a 
thick dough.

Knead on a lightly floured counter top for about 4 minutes our 
until dough is nice and smooth.

Sprinkle a little more flour over the dough to make it easy to roll.

Roll out the dough to about a 1/2" thickness and cut with dog 
bone shaped cookie cutter.

Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for about 22 minutes.

Let dog biscuits cool at least a half hour before serving.

This is our new Papillon puppy Bindi.  The bone was almost as big as she is but she 
loved them too!

Our other dog Kimchee (a Cairn terrier...like Toto) was 
at the groomers but don't worry.......we saved her some!

Why don't you make your favorite companion some homemade treats 
today....it's really easy and fun!

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