Lidia, Master Teacher, Instructs Ann Curry (Playing Lucy Ricardo)

It wasn’t completely Ann’s fault as her pesto refused to come together in the blender. She just needed to add a bit of pasta water, which Lidia tells her…eventually.

Lidia was on Today to show 4 different pestos, but these were far more interesting than my usual variation of parsley and walnuts. I was just thinking about pesto recently after reading Rachel’s post.

Ann was first up with a mixture of garlic, cheese, ricotta, oil and walnuts. Lidia should have known she was in for trouble when Ann started to add BUTTER to the blender. Lidia was so concerned she asked Ann if she knew how to close the blender.

Next is a slinged Matt and a mixture, made in a mortar and pestle, using peas and mint and basil.

Al has a neat one with anchovies, raisins, basil, garlic while Ann is stripping the gears of the blender. BTW, it was Al who brought up the Lucy reference. His pesto sounded fantastic.

Natalie does a Sicilian pesto – garlic, tomatoes, almonds, basil and peperoncino.

Lidia moves on to having them dress the pasta. First they each mix their different pasta with a bit of butter (interesting, I don’t usually do that). Then they toss it with their own pesto. As they finish up, Lidia moves down the line hugging each one (she’s adorable); THEY hug each other; Al makes a move on the stage manager. It was a delicious segment…and the food looked good too.

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