Gordon Throws Rachael’s Food In The Garbage!

Okay, it’s called hyperbole, but a version of that DID happen. I’ll get to that in a second.

Gordon Ramsey sat down with Rachael Ray this morning. I wasn’t all that drawn to his way-too-tight shirt with necklace and designer (girl’s?) jeans, and his spiky, overly blonded hair.

Rachael had some audience members bring in their own dishes for the chef to taste. (I guess she was trying to avoid him getting near hers.) This was how he described one of them: Dry as “Gandhi’s flip flops.” Gosh, I wish the woman had spit in it. He did say there was nice chocolate tart and frittata. But he told one person to go back to cooking school.

I did like what he said in answer to how his restaurants were doing in the recession. He said one benefit is chefs finding a humbler approach to ingredients.

Talking about his family, he mentioned that his kids make him use a swear jar in the kitchen. Boy, that would buy a few college educations.

Gordon and Rachael went over to the kitchen. He picked up her beach towel pot holder things. He began to make a face and Rachael kept talking and I guess he thought better of it and put it down without saying anything.

So now, THIS was the headline grabbing incident. Gordon was talking about using sweet potatoes in different ways. All of a sudden, he swept a piled of prepared sweet potatoes that were on the counter INTO RR’S GARBAGE BOWL. He obviously thought this tacky looking thing was a mixing bowl and, luckily, it was empty. Nothing was said and they went on with the recipe. Plus, she actually used the expression “cheap and cheerful”.

Gordon mostly got on with it, but RR did pipe in every once in awhile. The truth is it may be that SHE has something to teach him about mogul-dom, so maybe he was hoping to bask in her reflected glory.

One positive note – in marked contrast to the Food Network website, Rachael’s website(s) are amazingly easy to use. They are organized well, it doesn’t take a million clicks to get where you want to go AND there are no pop-ups. What more could you ask? Okay, decent recipes, but let’s not be fussy.

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