Food Network Survey

Food Network Fans,

A Master’s student in Mass Communications, Cori Hemmah, recently contacted me, asking for help with getting a survey about the Food Network to Food Network viewers. This is for research for her thesis called Uses and Gratifications of the Food Network. (How great is that! I once wrote a paper about soap operas in college, but I never took it to THIS level.)

She explains the topic this way:

I'm trying to find out how people use the Food Network (for entertainment, learning techniques, passing time, etc.), and what they get out of doing so.

So please, to help this motivated young person, could you take a bit of time to fill out her survey?

It’s not short…it may take maybe 8 to 10 minutes to fill out, but how exciting to add(?!!) to the scholarly literature about the Food Network! Maybe Cori’s findings will show that we need an All-Ina-All-The-Time Network. It certainly would be worth 8 minutes for THAT, wouldn’t it?

Here’s the survey.

It’s fun, I promise.
  • Copy and paste the survey into an email and fill in the answers.
  • Alternatively, copy and paste survey into Word. Then fill it out and send it as an attachment.
  • Send it to with subject line: Food Network Survey.

Let me know what you think.

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