Fill Out Food Network Survey

Please help Master's student, Cori Hemmah, with her research about the Food Network.

To complete survey:
  • Copy and paste it into an email and fill in the answers.
  • Alternatively, copy and paste it into Word. Then fill it out and send it as an attachment.
  • Email completed survey to with subject line: Food Network Survey.
The following survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

Section 1: Please type a number after each question, with 1 meaning you strongly disagree, 3 meaning you are neutral, and 5 meaning you strongly agree with the question.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree

1. I enjoy watching shows on the Food Network.

2. I find shows on the Food Network informative.

3. I find shows on the Food Network entertaining.

4. I watch the Food Network while waiting for programs on other networks to begin.

5. I think the Food Network produces content with substantial quality.

6. Watching the Food Network takes my mind off of other problems.

7. I have talked about shows on the Food Network with my peers.

8. I watch certain Food Network programs with other people on a regular basis.

9. I feel that I have a connection to the chefs/television personalities on the Food Network.

10. I would like to meet the chefs/television personalities on the Food Network.

11. In general, I feel content while watching the Food Network.

12. Watching the Food Network helps me feel relaxed.

13. I have tried to prepare recipes provided by shows on the Food Network.

14. I have tried to copy techniques demonstrated by chefs on the Food Network.

15. I enjoy the reality shows (The Next Food Network Star, Food Network Challenge, Ace of Cakes) on the Food Network.

16. I enjoy shows on the Food Network that teach a new recipe or cooking skill.

17. Programs on the Food Network keep my attention from the beginning to the end of an episode.

18. I watch the Food Network during commercials for other programs.

19. If the Food Network no longer existed, it would not bother me.

20. I only watch shows on the Food Network when I can't find anything else to watch on television.

Section 2: Please fill out the question by writing in either your
opinion or just a number when required.

1. On average, how many days a week do you watch the Food Network? _____

2. How many programs do you consistently watch on a regular basis?___

3. What is your favorite type of content on the Food Network (Reality, In-Kitchen, Travel, Challenges, etc.)?

4. Do you watch shows on the Food Network more in the day or at night?

5. How do you feel while watching the Food Network?

6. Who is your favorite chef/television personality on the Food Network? Why?

7. Who is your least favorite chef/television personality on the Food Network? Why?

8. What are your top three favorite shows on the Food Network?

9. Have you ever gone on to look up a recipe? (Y/N)

10. If yes, what do you like about

11. If yes, what do you dislike about

12. Do you think the Food Network and work well with each other? Why or why not?

13 Do you use other cooking websites besides Food to look up recipes? (Y/N)

14. Are you male or female?

15. What is your age range?: 18-24; 25-34; 35-44; 45-54; 55-64; 65+

16. How many hours do you work a week?

Thank you for your time.

Email completed survey to with subject line: Food Network Survey.

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