Fun Holiday Treats to Change Any Scrooge
OK, I admit that I’ve been very Scrooge-like this holiday season. I’m just not into it. I’m not feeling it. I just have to get it out. BAH HUMBUG. Whew. There. I feel better now.
My low-key holiday means I really haven’t been cooking anything special for Christmas. Other than the chocolate-making with April, I just haven’t been creating any snowflake-like cookies or yule log cakes. But that doesn’t mean everyone else out there hasn’t. So I scoured the Web for some creative, fun holiday treats being made by more festive food bloggers out there, and this is just a few of what I found.
Hopefully this parade of colorful holiday foods will make up for my lack of holiday sharing. (Just a reminder that these images are pulled from the Web and are not owned by me.)
Now cupcakes can always put me in the mood, and apparently cupcakes are the perfect canvas for beautiful Christmas creations like this ornament-like cupcake I found on the Cupcake Recipe blog.
The same blog was also responsible for these pretty poinsettia cupcakes …
… and this beautiful pair of star cupcakes. I love the color combo.
This is my favorite Christmas cupcake that I found on a blog called Banana Granola.
This is just a beautiful looking dessert I found on the BBC food blog. Doesn’t it look divine?
Another pretty looking dessert with a winter theme is this mont blanc poached pear creation that I found on this interesting British food blog.
Gingerbread men are always a joyous sight in the kitchen I think during this time of year.
These gingerbread men look like they have pink aliens coming out of their stomachs.
Aloha! Here’s a gingerbread that I can relate to since this is the kind of Christmas I had growing up in Hawaii … Christmas at the beach!
I found this plate of gingerbread men from a blog called 300 Million. I really don’t know what the blog is all about, but I thought it was cute how they made gingerbread men for each of their team members.
Speaking of gingerbread, you can always count on some amazing gingerbread homes, like this one that apparently won a national gingerbread contest back in 2007.
The Japanese are always creative with their food. Here’s a packed lunch with a snowman made of rice. It’s more like a snow-musubi.
And finally, here’s one of the most amazing creations I found out there. It’s actually done by a professional cake decorator (no wonder). I would buy from her. She’s called Cutting Edge Designs in Colorado. Isn’t it amazing? They’re Christmas ornaments made of cake.
Now that you’ve had your holiday sugar rush, you’re all prep for dealing with your families at that Christmas dinner, right? See, I give during the holidays. I’m not always a Scrooge. Have a Merry Christmas! (And I do mean it.)
My low-key holiday means I really haven’t been cooking anything special for Christmas. Other than the chocolate-making with April, I just haven’t been creating any snowflake-like cookies or yule log cakes. But that doesn’t mean everyone else out there hasn’t. So I scoured the Web for some creative, fun holiday treats being made by more festive food bloggers out there, and this is just a few of what I found.
Hopefully this parade of colorful holiday foods will make up for my lack of holiday sharing. (Just a reminder that these images are pulled from the Web and are not owned by me.)

Now that you’ve had your holiday sugar rush, you’re all prep for dealing with your families at that Christmas dinner, right? See, I give during the holidays. I’m not always a Scrooge. Have a Merry Christmas! (And I do mean it.)
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