KIND Snacking Giveaway - Limiting Hidden Sugar Consumption

There are so many articles out there now a days about how to eat. You should be eating 3 full meals a day, no - you should be eating 6 small meals, no - you should be eating every 2 hours. It’s all quite exhausting to be honest. Food should be enjoyable and not something that causes more stress. When you eat food made from real ingredients, you know you’re putting in the right fuel for your body. Which then minimizes all that stress.

Being a new mom this becomes especially important. Time definitely becomes something that needs to be well managed. Spending time with my son is a priority but being healthy by exercising and eating well is also very important to me. Lately there’s been a huge of focus about sugar consumption and through just eating desserts or but through passive sugar intake. Just like sodium, sugar is now added to most items in the supermarket to make it taste better. This I’ll never understand, if the correct ingredients are used why do they need to add more sugar in to things?

I was shocked to hear that most people are not aware of how much sugar in is prepackaged foods. Even though there’s the nutrition guide on all packaged foods, most people don’t know how to decipher the information. Out of 992 women polled showed that they were consuming more than the daily recommended 100g of sugar a day and 35% of that was coming from ‘other’ foods that aren’t from natural foods such as fruits and vegetables.*

Its hard to fuel your body correctly when you’re eating something that isn’t what it seems. So I was surprised to learn that KIND snack bars have no added processed sugars. Everything in the bar is truly ‘what you see is what you get’. With amazing flavours such as Almond Mocha & Dark Chocolate, Maple Glazed to Honey Roasted Nuts and Sea Salt there’s one to satisfy every craving.

The bars are perfect for a after workout snack when I need something quick. I had the opportunity to try the different flavours and was pleased that they were all perfectly balanced. Not overly sweet but enough to get the taste buds going all by using natural ingredients. Being someone who loves to eat and eat healthy these bars fit in well with my lifestyle.

So if you’re someone who aren’t sure how you should be eating, listen to your body and be Kind to yourself! Try a KIND bar and know that you’re having something that’s delicious and tasty. To help others on their way we're GIVING AWAY A MONTH OF KIND BARS! Please respond to this post and I will make a draw for the winner!

*Poll results provided by KIND snack bars

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