Bacon & Brown Sugar Braised Kimchi

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This Bacon & Brown Sugar Braised Kimchi is one of my teenagers' favorite dishes.

A little sweeter and not as soupy as kimchi jjigae, with the crackalicious combination of brown sugar and bacon.

Our usual way to eat it is just with steamed rice, and Mads sometimes likes to wrap it all in gim (GEEHM), which is Korean style toasted nori.

Another superdelicioso way to eat it is atop a bulgogi or carne asada taco with some shredded cabbage or lettuce, a drizzle of thinned sour cream or crema agria, some chopped cilantro and white onion, and a squeeze of lime. That'll hook you for sure.

And it's seriously too easy not to try if you love you some ripe kimchi.

Bacon & Brown Sugar Braised Kimchi
Serves 2 to 3 if eaten with rice, more if with tacos. Easily doubled.
Time: 45 minutes

- 3 cups ripe kimchi without juice (you don't have to squeeze it or strain it or anything, though)
- 8 to 10 slices bacon cut into 1/2-inch pieces
- 2 to 3 Tablespoons brown sugar, depending on how sweet you like your food

1) Throw everything into a small pot or saucepan.

2) Bring to a boil, covered, over medium high heat. Let boil for about 1 minute and give everything a good stir to make sure all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

3) Turn heat back down to just under medium low and simmer covered for another 20 to 30 minutes, depending on how cooked you like your cabbage.

And that's it!

Enjoy. :)


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