Zucchini Masala Vada Recipe | Zucchini Masala Vadai | How to make Zucchini Masala Vada

Zucchini Masala Vada
Zucchini Masala Vada is a spicy traditional vada made with Zucchini or Summer Squash along with chana dal and other added ingredients. This recipe was in my draft for months & finally today I was able to press the publish button for this dish. As mentioned I made them long back ago for a magazine. My mom was visiting us in USA & she helped me in making this dish. 
This deep-fried masala vada's are so delectable that you can never stop from munching on more of these. For a healthy version you can shallow fry or pan fry to enjoy them without any guilt. We enjoyed these masala vada's a lot & I hope you would too. 
You can accompany these Zucchini masala vada's along with a cup of your favorite drink for a relaxed evening.

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Zucchini Masala Vada
Prep Time - 2hr 30mins 
Cook Time-15mins
Serves – 3 to 4 people
3/4Cup chana dal
1/2Cup finely chopped onions
4Garlic cloves
1Tbs grated ginger
5Green chili’s
1/2Cup finely chopped mint
Salt to taste
Oil for deep-frying
- Soak chana dal for minimum of 2hrs.
- Grate Zucchini & add a pinch of salt to it. Leave for 10mins. Use a cheesecloth to squeeze out extra water & keep aside.
- Grind garlic, ginger & green chili’s. To that add chana dal & mint. Coarse grind the mixture.
- Transfer it to a bowl along with salt & onions. Mix them well.
- Heat oil for deep-frying. Take a scoop of dal mixture & make a patty out of it.
- Drop it slowly into oil & add in another few patties to oil. Don't over crowd the pan. Fry them crisp on both sides. 
- Place them on to a kitchen towel to remove extra oil out of them. Repeat the same with rest of the dal mixture.
- Serve them with ketchup or with your favorite chutney.
- You can shallow fry or pan fry theses vada’s. They may not be as crisp as deep-fried one’s but tastes awesome & sure are healthy.

Zucchini Masala Vada
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