Chocolate Cupcakes

Chocolate Cupcakes are a classic & most favored cupcakes by every one. I tasted & tried many recipes & lastly got hooked to the one that was perfect to my taste buds. I made it many more time before sharing it here & loved how they came out every time. This recipe yields a dozen cupcakes & if needed you can halve the recipe for lesser cupcakes. I 'm not so keen about the frosting so I skipped it, but you can enjoy them by adding your favorite frosting. Enjoy these little sweet chocolaty bites.
Adapted recipe from here.
Prep Time-15mins 
Cook Time- 25min 
Serves-13 to 14cupcakes 
Dry Ingredients 
3/4Cup all-purpose flour
1/2Cup cocoa powder 
1/2Tsp baking powder 
1/2Tsp baking soda 
1/4Tsp salt 
Wet Ingredients 
1/2Cup buttermilk 
1/2Cup brown sugar
1/2Cup sugar 
2Eggs @ room temperature 
1/4Cup butter melted 
2Tsp vanilla extract 
- Pre-heat oven @350 degrees & line the cupcake pan.
- In a bowl sift flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, soda & salt. Mix them & keep aside. 
- In another large bowl crack open 2eggs along with sugar & butter. Whisk them to creamy texture. Next add in vanilla extract & buttermilk. Whisk them smooth. 
- Next add in little by little of dry ingredients while mixing them together. Don't over whisk the batter.
- Now scoop the batter halfway thru in to one liner & repeat the same with rest of the batter. 
- Bake them @350degree for 25mins or till knife comes out clean. 
- Remove from oven, cool them & frost them as you like. 
- You can replace butter with oil as the original recipe. 
- Sugar- You can either go with half & half as above or can replace with one sugar. But if you choice is brown sugar them you might have to add another 1/4cup of it to make them sweeter. 
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