Good afternoon, Sunshines!

The child naps at last, and I am taking a mental mini holiday by our makeshift beach.

If I had forgotten all of my blessings in this morning's frustrations of stay at home parenting, some fresh air, deep breaths, a call from Dean to let me know he'd moved his jam session to another night so he could stay home to make my life easier tonight, and a pat on the back from Izz asking me if I was feeling better before she finally went to sleep all brought me back to proper perspective.

These days, I honestly have no idea where I'm headed from one day to the next. The occasional challenging day aside, I'm mostly just happy and grateful to be doing exactly what I'm doing even if it defies any categorization and refuses to be wrapped up in a tidy and marketable job title.

That I have the time and opportunity to do what I'm doing is made possible by the love and support of my truly amazing family. That I have the forum to share my mind, soul, and food morsels in a way that is so fulfilling and rewarding is made possible by your interest, support, friendship, and good juju.

So I guess all I'm doing is taking a moment to say thank you to all of you, for all of it, and to send some freckle faced, big floppy hat wearin', warm, smiley, grateful, and sunny San Diego hugs and juju your way.

With love,


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