Dead Bait Fishing For Pike: The Crazy Pike Fishing Continues....

A warm welcome to this weeks blog update i hope i find you well and your fishing nets wet.  Well what can i say the response to last weeks blog update has been immense, thank you to all the people who emailed me to say they enjoyed the read and for saying it really captured a true spirit of a fishing session with a friend.  I have to say it was pike fishing like i never ever thought it could be like, i have seen pike feed hard on the river before on live baits but this was something else all together as it was on dead baits.  All i can say is if you liked last weeks update then there is no holding back on this one as the action continues at a frantic pace, so much so i have just wrote a rough draft to write this update form of times pike where caught and weights and i have struggled to keep up with what was caught when, you will see what i mean on session two during a 15 minute period!.  I do feel however its going to be hard to put down in words again how the session was.

So in this update we also look at my Abu closed faced reel in the final part of the three part mini series on reels i use for stick float fishing, we take a look at a recent licence purchase and my plans for it in the closed season and then finally as the double figure pike go on the feed we look at some nice captures from the rest of the piking pirates on the challenge.  The sessions on the update are from the end of February so we are a little bit behind still.  The sessions include two pike sessions i fished with Ste where the pike continued where they left off from our previous trips with plenty of runs and the odd double thrown in for good measure.

Onto the Update....

New Licence Purchase...

This week as i write this marks the final week of the river season and with only one more session on running water to come this Saturday my mind has started to wander beyond the realms of flowing water.  After the rivers close i do intend on winding down a little with my fishing and spend some much needed time with the family.  This years piking has really took over with me and i have gone mad on it to the point its been close to an obsession.  With a number of trips saved up i can now take a few weeks break from any form of silver fishing with the hope that i can just nip out of a Saturday morning for a spot of piking for the next few weeks while the blog catches up.

This gap after the rivers close when the temperatures are still cold and the day to day temperatures can be a bit on and off its never really great fishing and its not till the warmth of spring arrives that the fishing picks up so in reality i am not missing much.   I have recently though bought a Lymm Anglers Card for the Bridgewater canal in Runcorn as its a canal i grew up fishing as a kid and its been many moons since i wet a line in her now clear but still snaggy depths.  It will be a change from dodging trees and snags on the river as i dodge wheelie bins and trolleys on the local cut but it will be a real trip down memory lane for me and should make for some interesting and nostalgic blogs and maybe the odd story of the old times.

I also intend to spend the odd session fishing areas of the canal that where out of our reach as a kid.  We walked the banks with our baskets and rods so the limits for me and my dad where as far as you could walk and with the bream shoals then on our doorstep we had no reason to venture too far.  My mate Garry does a fair bit on the other stretches so it will be interesting to explore new stretches with him.

Abu 706 Closed Face Reel

In the final part of the three part mini series on reels we take a look at the Abu Garcia 706 closed face reel.  I am going to go out on a limb here and say this is easily the most annoying reel i have ever used.  Why is it annoying? well at first its a beautiful reel to use and if ever a reel was made for trotting a float it is this reel as the line comes if the drum a dream and striking is as easy as trapping the line but i have now had two replacement reels sent to me in the two years i have used these reels through faults with the drag system.  Basically the reels are fantastic when fish for dace and roach and can even handle the odd chub and grayling but you have a pike take a fish on this reel and the pressure and drag just goes missing and the reel is never the same after it.

My uncle used some of the earlier models around int he 80's and 90's and swears by them but he hates using this new version we both bought at the same time to the point they rarely come out to be used.  The sessions i have used them they have been a dream to trot with though i will give them that but with two breakages already i use this reel sparingly should i say.

All in all i think its a mar-mite reel, you love it or hate it.  At the moment i fall on the don't like side of the scale.  Maybe in the future i might purchase the older models and see how i go but I'm yet to be convinced of their ability to land bigger fish.

Doubles are on the Feed.....

All through this pike season i have either been fishing with or been in regular contact with Garry and Ste and on the sessions they do with me i do show the fish they catch but they have also been out on sessions as well and i thought it good to share some of their recent captures on the bank.  Garry had a recent trip out where he caught this fantastic double figure pike.

Ste also took advantage of the end of season piking and caught this stunning upper double pike, fat as a barrel and so heavy he needed a knee to support its weight!

Both absolutely stunning pike and certainly the pike gods paying them back for their help this season.

on to this weeks fishing and its more pike pike pike!!

Dead Baiting For Pike -The Hunt Continues!!

The session before this i had been out with ste and experienced a pike fishing session like no other i had been part of.  Earlier on in the season we had been out on socials and had a few runs in a short space of time but the last session was something else as just under 50% of the pike where double figure pike, a session i will never forget and so many great memories on the bank with ste that day.

A link to that session is here:

Fast forward 8 days and the morning of the 22nd February and loading the car with my pike gear i was literally shaking with excitement.  I took a second to compose my thoughts and prepare myself that it might not be as good as the previous week and the not get too carried away.  Meeting up with ste we mulled over where to try and we decided to not try the same spot as last week but another area that would be more in fitting with the slightly warmer conditions.

The watery red sun was just peeping over the horizon as we prepared our baits to cast out into the swims and as we did a huge swirl appeared along the bank.  A pike striking and with the vortex of its swirls still turning Ste demanded i put a bait into its swirling vortex.   I don't know exactly how long it took for my dead bait rod to start marching off but it was not long as the red of the sun shows clearly on the picture of the pike below.  A pike around 7 or 8lb and at 7.01am when the rest of the world was fast asleep i got to work with taking a pic of our first pike.

In the next half hour we saw quite a few pike strike but little action on the dead baits and it wasn't until 7.45am that Ste connected with our second pike of the day.  The pike was around 6 or 7lb and we both knew the best time was still to come as last time a lot of the runs came after 8am.  With two pike under our belts and as always it was great ti get us both off the mark we decided to move on.

We set up in the next swim at 8am and it took all of 17 minutes for the pike to find our tasty fishy offerings.  The pike put up a great fight right under the rod tip and i remember us both being thank full it made it into the net!  The fish again was a upper single but we really did not care we where out to have fun and if the better fish came along then great.  On this session it was clear all the pike where eating well and piling on the pounds before spawning.

The bites the previous session came around 30 minutes of each other but when you are on the bank they seem a lot closer at times.  I guess it is by the time you have taken the pictures and released the pike and baited up your rod again it almost seems like a few minutes till another rod is going.  Ste was the next to get a run and this was proving to be a well timed move as we clocked up fish number 4 of the morning.

The expected bites after this one did not come and like the week before we decided on a move but with a bite always expected it was not until 10am we decided to move swims.  It was not until 10.42 that the first run came from the new spot and little did we know what was about to unfold in the next 30 minutes, pike fishing like i never ever thought it could be.

10.42 I get a run on my roach fished dead bait and leaving the run to develop i struck and into a hard fighting jack and boy did it fight taking line from the reel and great fun but in keeping with the cold conditions they have a hard few runs then seem to come up to the top.  The fish on the mat it was unhooked and quickly had its picture taken.

The pike resting in the landing net the next thing i hear is ste saying "your other floats going danny!!" with the fish in the landing net we decided to leave the pike as long as we could in the net to recover till the other pike was ready to be netted.  I struck into a solid fish that kept deep and had a healthy bend in my rod, Ste was right when he says "you can tell a double" and this was surely a double figure fish.

The fish up eventually on top Ste quickly let the first pike go and scooped up my pike.  She was a right fat pike and had, like the others, been eating well.  The fish on the unhooking mat we got the hooks out of her and she had made a right mess of the trace that was stuck in the mesh of my landing net.  With my landing net being rubber the hooks come out easily and we then set about getting a picture of my pike which went 10.8lb on the scales.

With the camera out and just about to take a picture we noticed stes float going and at this point we really worked fast and i quickly grabbed for my weigh sling/sack and placed my pike in the sling and put it in the edge to rest out of the way.

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