Stick Float Fishing the River Dee And Poaching Joke Fines..

A warm welcome to this weeks blog update i hope i find you well and your nets wet and not just from the precipitation we have been experiencing of late.  Well December 2014 is going to be a month to remember for myself i feel as just this Monday i turned 30 and also there is around a week and a half as i write this till the arrival of our second child, exciting times indeed.

In this update we travel back to the River Dee and have a crack at her in normal winter conditions hoping to find the sport as good as the previous week.  The next day i had a short pike session, would i get my one chance i go out to get? and more importantly would i take it?  In this update i also cover the terrible news i read in this weeks Anglers Mail around fines given to poachers, an update on our pike challenge and also a bit on my birthday and turning the age of 30.

On to this weeks blog update...

Your Taking The.....

This week i picked up a copy of the anglers mail as i wanted to read the Action Replay piece that featured a fellow piking pirate, Ste Daley.  The piece as i expected was great reading and i was made up i had picked up a copy.  Once i had read the piece in question i delved deeper into the other articles in this copy and came across the story on page 6-7 around court fines for poachers caught in the closed season and the fines handed to them by the court, see picture below.

So basically to sum up the story the EA catch 4 anglers fishing in the closed season with over 20 kilos of eels and spawn laden coarse fish dead in a bucket.  As is standard protocol the, well can i say anglers?, had their tackle taken and where summoned to appear in a Magistrates Court at a later date.

The offenders pleaded guilty to the charges and where then sentenced to pay the fines in the picture above, £25.00 per offence!!  Looking back over the frequency of my blogs you can see how often i am out on the bank and i see first hand the raping of our waterways by these people, i have seen the River Dee go from a river alive with pike to one where you are no longer seeing them attacking your fish as they are simply not there due to these parasites of our sport taking 3-4 10lb fish in carrier bags away at 4-6am in the morning before anyone is around.  These people know full well its wrong or they would not be doing such an act at such a early unsocial hour.

Again i now see this on all the venues i fish from night lines on ponds to groups of 6-7 walking in a line, no landing net pulling lures behind them and when they catch out comes a carrier bag.  Most anglers go out alone so us as anglers can no longer police our own waters working at such a ration of between 3or 7 to 1.  It then leaves us to trust the EA with their patrols will catch these people as we report them and as i have mentioned in previous weeks the EA officers are out in force.  They ARE doing their job.

These people then go to court and are handed a £25.00 quid per offence fine, i never swear on my blog but what the hell is that?? what type of deterrent is that to stop these people from committing such atrocities.  Hand them a couple of thousand pound fine, catch them again and hand them another couple of thousand pound fine and like the word spreads of good waters to poach amongst these reptiles the word will spread about the consequences of being caught poaching our waters.

I have got to say the biggest joke in this part is the last part where they say all angers had their tackle handing back to them, jesus christ that is like fining a burglar £25.00 and then waiting at the door to hand him his crowbar back on the way out! What an absolute joke.  This is not down to a lack of understanding of licencing laws as these people pleaded guilty to the offence they know is wrong so give them a fine it deserves and start protecting out waterways that are being raped of their fish.

This is OUR way!!!!....Rant over....

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