River Dee Dace On Stick And Autumn Arrives

A warm welcome to this weeks blog update i hope i find you all well and your nets wet.  This passed week or so the signs of the Seasons changing have been all around us for sure with Horse Chestnut trees starting to deposit their hardened fruits that will no doubt need some time in the vinegar pot before being at a stage where they are released for battle, at least it was the case when i used to collect them.  The whole sight of a horse chestnut tree with its brown broken fragile leaves and conkers glinting through their casing conjures up memories of my childhood where our our door step we had arguable the best conker tree around and many a stick was lost in its branches as we tried to knock down the fruits too early alas that tree no longer exists for a picture as it was cut down many years ago.

There have been many other signs on my travels this passed week where i have seen the V shaped formation of Canada Geese disturbing the tranquil peace as they travel over head of an evening, local elder berry trees and black berry trees laden with fruit and farmers fields with their stacks of hay drying in the late summer sun ready to be bailed and stored away for the harder months to come and the only surprise has been the fact that there still seems to be a good number of swallows left on these shores and this was still the case on Saturday when we visited the River Dane and they were skimming the fields picking off bugs.

The seasons above the water are changing dramatically but these changes are also happening below the water as the fish sense a drop in temperatures and i suspect when it rains they also notice the water coming into the water is also cooler than the warm showers of summer.  The text books will say this time now is the best time to be an angler as carp and barbel go on the feed for the long months to come but for me the good times are a good month or so off when the first frosts arrive, that is when i start to think things get interesting as the dace start to shoal and the pike follow and being mainly a stick float angler the extra colour, cold and the fact the fish are constantly against the flow forcing them to feed hard you see the change in the feeding habits of the river fish as winter gets a grip, colder the better for me.

Away from my stick float fishing i do like my piking and last year wet my toes into to the world of dead baiting for pike and loved it.  This year i hope to do more dead baiting on both rivers and still waters and with the pike season only a month away as i write this update the pike thoughts are well and truly flowing through my mind, that and a special recent capture which will feature in  a mid week blog on its own next week, till then here is a sneak preview of that blog update..

I am a firm believer in angling being a journey as you go through life and along the way you learn bits that all come together for you to pass onto the next generation later on in life and most of the time this learning comes from mistakes we have made and to develop we have to analyse and learn from these mistakes before we move on and i am seriously looking to do that with this years piking.  The last pike season i lost far two many fish after getting the bite and this came down to two reason, 1. Landing net being too small and the hooks getting stuck in mesh seeing the pike turn and flip from the hooks leaving me with a landing net full of hooks  2. The hooks not setting proper on the strike and the fish coming off.  I have put plenty of thought the past month into the piking and made two decisions around this and they are to purchase a bigger deeper landing net and also to come to terms that losing fishing by hooks net setting is just part of pike fishing with their bony mouths but to do as much as i can i am going to be making my own traces this season for my pike fishing, so the past few days has saw plenty of deliveries including all the bits to make a pike trace which i will be featuring as a guide in a future update as i learn how too and also a 30 inch Fox Rubber Mesh Predator net.  Sorry for the lack of diversity in product companies i have been infected by a Fox Addict.

All the components in place all remains now is to build some pike traces and the purchase of some dead baits next month and to batter the hours in work to get some Flexi to get the 01st of October off to get out on the bank for Esox on the opening day, excitement is growing.

Before we get into this weeks fishing which was on the banks of the river dee i would like to say how great it was during this trip to see Nation Resources Wales on the river in a boat checking the licences of anglers on the bank.  The guys apologised for disturbing my swim and thanked me for having a licence and my time and you my reply was simple "no worries, great to see you on the river, Winter time at 6am in the morning is the time to catch the people causing proper damage on the river taking pike two and three at a time" i then passed on any information i had witnessed over the last year or so and he did make some notes which was great to see.  This going up the river in a boat is a fantastic way of doing it as it means there is no hiding place no mater how many fields you walk from your car to the river bank the boat see's every swim and every angler, fantastic to see and i would not mind seeing it every week.

I thought i would include this in the blog as all to often we read bad news stories about how little these and the EA do to protect our rivers from poaching and non paying anglers so here is a good news story, great to see as said.

on to this weeks fishing....

River Dee Dace On Stick - Autumn and the Hemp Begins to Work.

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