Matooke ~ National Dish of Uganda

Matooke is a national dish of Uganda. The word matooke means mashed plantain. This is a simple plantain dish, where plantains are steam cooked, mashed & then mixed with a gravy of vegetables. This dish can be cooked in a peanut sauce or a meat sauce. But in this dish I skipped the sauce part completely & made it a dry matooke with few veggies added to it.  
Prep Time-10mins { Peeling & chopping veggies}
Cook Time-20mins { Steaming plantain & making the base} 
2Plantain's peeled & chopped to bite size pieces
1Big onion sliced
1Garlic pod
1Bell pepper de-seeded & chopped
4Green chili’s {Adjust as needed} or 1Tsp chili powder
2Tbs oil
Salt to taste
- Steam cook banana’s & mash them. Keep aside & start with the base curry.
- Heat pan with oil. Add in chopped onions & garlic. Fry them till onions are translucent.
- To them add bell pepper & tomatoes.  Close with lid & cook till veggies are soft.
- To the pan add steamed plantains, salt & chili powder. Mix them well & adjust taste if needed.
- Serve warm along with peanut sauce.
- I used chili powder, If you are using green chili’s add them in along with onions & garlic.
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