$138 A Week For Groceries - On Cooking Ahead & Day & Day 20 Meals (Thursday)

I'm recapping Thursday's meals on this post, but I forgot to mention that on Wednesday, I did some more meal prep to get me through the weekend.

I made some Slow Cooker Korean Style Spicy Soy Sauce Chicken and came to the conclusion that the slow cooker is actually well suited for many Korean dishes because there are lots of dump and simmer dishes in Korean cuisine. 

BTW, this is the raw ingredients before cooking, and I am fully aware of that. I only clarify because I often post pictures of the cooking process that include raw ingredients only to get comments from people who act horrified as if I'm offering them raw chicken/beef/pork/whathaveyou to eat and don't know it.

I also marinated that Soy Balsamic Rosemary Lemon Tritip that we ended up eating yesterday.


This tritip is also raw.

And then I washed some lettuce and purple perilla from the garden for sangchu ssahm (SAHNGchoo SSAHM - Korean style lettuce wraps)...

...and made the ssamjang (SSAHMjahng - seasoned Korean style miso paste) to go with.

It's really been quite helpful during this heatwave to batch cook/prepare meals in advance because you never know when the heat and humidity will drain your energy as it so often used to do before we got ourselves this portable A/C, thank you sweet Baby Jesus. (Now it's only the child and the dog who wear me out. I don't know what the electricity bill's going to be this month, but whatever it is, it's been worth every last penny.) Not to mention how nice it is to be able to throw dinner together with minimal effort in the evenings when the days have been so long and uncomfortable as they've been. (If I haven't made this clear before, Summer and I are not friends.)

As with so many things in life, a little planning and discipline can go a long way in making things easier. I fall off the wagon from time to time, but it's always worth it to get back on.


For me and Izz was a half PB&J. For the boys, cereal. The three of us had coffee as usual, but again, that was gift coffee, so not included in the budget.

BREAKFAST TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $1.89


Izz and I shared some ramen (I set Izz's portion aside before the doctoring), and Izz had a hard boiled egg. 

I also had an Asian pear, and Izz had some blueberries and pineapple.

She also ended up polishing off the rest of those Cheddar Rockets throughout the day, but I'll tack them on here.

Joey took his usual juice pouch and apple and then had a large glass of milk when he got home from school and could hardly wait for dinner. Maybe he'll start packing some sandwiches again next week.

I didn't pack lunch for Dean, and he grabbed something while at work, but that comes out of the Entertainment budget.

Sometime before dinner, I got hungry again and had another half PB&J.

LUNCH TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $3.53


Dean, Joey and I had that Soy Balsamic Rosemary Lemon tritip...

...with a simple salad of tomatoes from the garden, Persian cucumber, and a little bit of green onion dressed with lime juice, salt and pepper, a little pinch of sugar to round out the acid from the lime juice, and a drizzle of EVOO...

...Balsamic sauteed mushrooms and onions with parsley...

...and mashed potatoes made from the last 5 potatoes in the basket. (Those are little bits of parsley from using the spoon I used to toss the mushrooms to transfer the potatoes.)

That was yummy and super filling and made 6 servings total, of which we ate 3.

Izz wasn't interested in eating dinner, but she did have some milk and blueberries.

DINNER TOTAL (2 adults, 1 teen, 1 toddler): $21.42

MEALS DAY 20 TOTAL: $26.83

Hopefully Izz will nap long enough for me to get that recipe done today before I head out for the San Diego Beerfest. (Yes. She's actually napping at 12:44 PM. WOOT!!!)

Cheers and Happy Friday! :)


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