Miso Slaw: On goodness

Right now, Daughter #1 is in the process of contemplating a run for student office.  There are forms to fill out, hoops to jump through, essays to write, speeches to memorize and votes to be won.  I did not push her into running, because quite frankly, I never ran for anything in my life nor have I won any sort of public office (or private office for that matter) ever.  It's never been something I've desired and although I've seen children of my friends and students of mine all run for office, many of them winning, it's never been something that I've wanted to push Children into.

But I am proud of Daughter #1 for trying.  She hates public speaking, so the speech should be an interesting challenge, and has always been much more about smaller roles vs. the larger roles in leadership.  Some may say that I'm not grooming her for greatness, and my response is I'm not grooming her for greatness.  I'd rather groom her for goodness.

She's decided on her own that she'd like to run for the office of secretary.  She already heard the descriptions of all the offices and decided that the one where she would be happiest doing her job is the one where she neatly takes notes, records accurately the meetings, and conscientiously takes care of all the minutes and processes.  Admittedly a part of me wishes that she would just risk it all and run for president, but she has made her decision.

Should she win as secretary, I hope that she has time to think about goodness.  About being good to others, being kind and generous to those in need, and serving more than the people whom are obvious, but rather those who are invisible.  I hope she uses her position of leadership, albeit a lesser one than president, to teach goodness and to lead through example.  I know that there are many types of leadership, some great, some not so great, but I hope that she will choose to practice goodness in her leadership and that she makes others feel good when they are around her.

Now, this salad is not a salad of greatness; this salad is not going to win me any cooking competitions, recipe competitions, or public office.  It is, however, a salad full of goodness - good vegetables, good flavor, good crunch.  It's the salad that makes you feel good when you see it and feel good after you've finished it.  There is crunch and chew that just makes you feel good.  It's simple chopped up vegetables with a wonderful miso sesame dressing that is at once creamy and light.

Miso Slaw
Serves 4 to 6

3 tablespoons rice vinegar
3 tablespoons white miso paste
1 teaspoon grated fresh peeled ginger
1 teaspoon honey
3 tablespoons sesame oil
2 tablespoons grapeseed or vegetable oil
salt and pepper

6 cups shredded green cabbage or a mix of green and red cabbage
2 large carrots, julienne
4 scallions, finely chopped
2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds

In a blender or mini chopper, place vinegar, miso, ginger, honey, sesame oil, and vegetable oil.  Blend together until mixture is emulsified and uniform.  Season with salt and pepper.

In a large bowl mix together cabbage, carrots, scallions.  Toss with as much dressing as needed.  Add sesame seeds.

Serve immediately.

Printable recipe

Goodness.  Yes.

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