River Dane Fishing: Tough Times + How To Prepare Hemp Seed

A warm welcome to this weeks blog update.  Things have been quite hectic of late and this has reflected in the random updates to the blog, there is a good reason for this and if you follow my blog on facebook you will already know this but Me and My partner are pleased to announce that we are expecting another addition to our family later this year.  We have known for a few weeks but with the scan being on Friday it went without saying that my Friday night was a bit of chaos going round all the family houses showing off the scan picture.  With Fishing at the weekend and a family day planned on Sunday it really pushed last weeks blog update back and I eventually published it on Tuesday Evening.  The updating may be a bit random but it does mean there is now plenty of material to read on the River Dane and if you are into your Stick float fishing.

The new arrival is officially due on  the 25th December and as my leave year in work starts in December i am certainly going to be taking advantage and looking to get 2 weeks extra leave on top of my 2 weeks paternity leave to give me a whole month to get to know our new addition.  I have to admit here to a certain Gary the Piking pirate tainting me last winter and some of my head has now also realised that i have a month off work smack bang in the middle of the pike season, hes a devious man of the dark arts!! Joking aside pike fishing probably one of the best forms of angling to be doing around this time as it involves travelling light to local venues where i can get home early and also if i do want to get my fishing fix after the baby is born you can just easily nip out for a few hours of an evening, just don't tell the missus haha. We are both over the moon and cant wait to find out the sex and get another look at our baby in a few weeks time at her 20 weeks scan, exciting times!

As mentioned above Sunday we had a Family day out and our chosen destination was Knowsley Safari Park.  This is a place i have not visited for many years and i think it was not long after the purchase of my last car we last entered its gates and that was some 9 years ago, mainly because Chester Zoo in my opinion such better value for money than most of the wildlife related attractions around, what can i say i love the place.  Any how back to Knowsley and with our little girl coming on leaps and bounds i knew it is a place she would love to visit and we was not wrong as she was pinned to the windows at every animal we saw along the way.  Lions, her favourite animal behind ducks at imitating, were here favourite attraction i think as one came really close to the car but the trip will forever be remembered for one animal and one animal only, the baboon! 

"There approaching the T-Rex Pen" to quote a famous movie summed up the feeling as we drove through the gates into the monkey enclosure, my mind put at ease my my partners reassuring words "it will be OK Danny, stop worrying" and turning the bend into the main area i spotted my adversary a baboon scooting between every car to get to mine, aw cute i thought till he began gnawing at my windscreen water jets, POP out one popped, POP and there was the other one gone and never to be seen again, the little.....i thought he knew exactly what he was doing and on our second trip round we took the car friendly route and spent a good 20 minutes watching this monkey pick out ford focus after ford focus and do the same thing he should be working in formula 1 with those times I'm telling you.  At the time i was a little annoyed but all fixed now and at £4 quid each to replace not too bad on the old pocket in the end.

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