BWW #135

I'm so happy to announce the Black and White Wednesday #135 event @ my blog.This event was initially started by Susan of The well-Seasoned CookWich was passed on & now being managed by Cinzia of Cindystar.

Simple rules: 
1. Send in a Black & White or a monochromatic pic of a food or something represents food.
2. A file size should be as mentioned below:

For portrait/500 wide & 700 long
- For landscape/700 wide & 500 long or 600 square
3. Send in your Pics to with below details: 
- Subject : BWW#135
- Name
- Title of pic
- Url to your page 
4. Event starts from 18th June 14 & ends on 25th June 14.
5. Non bloggers can send in your pics to the above mail id & I would be happy to post it for you. 
6. For queries you can leave a comment below.


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