A Lunch Of Korean BBQ

Glad you could make it back for another round of food blogging. Sorry I have been so negligent with the blog lately. Seriously, if this blog was a puppy, it would have starved to death by now. Don't worry, it would have at least gotten a proper burial. No garbage bags into the ocean like my boy Dexter!

Anywho, late last month, a couple coworkers/friends treated me to lunch for my birthday. The spot was a Korean BBQ house, and all of us were looking forward to some good food!

The handsome gentleman on the left is Richard, and the gorgeous lady on the right is Sue. I consider the both of them great friends and great all around people. If I see both of them at work, I know the day won't be that bad.

Over the last weekend, Sue went from being single to being married! Congratulations Sue! I wish nothing but happiness for you and the hubby!

Back to the lunch!

To start, I'm no expert at Korean BBQ. My knowledge is limited to the few experiences I've had with it. If you have never tried it, my advice is to find a place near you and try it immediately!

The place we went to had an All You Can Eat deal. For about $17, you are given a list of meats and seafood you can eat. You start by ordering 3 items. The server will bring them to your table, and from there, you cook your proteins right there at the table. After some time of cooking and eating has passed, your server will come back ready to take an order for more food. From here, the cycle continues.

The picture above does tell a detailed story. First, you have the star of the show, the grill located in the center of the table. The server will turn this on for you and set it low enough so even the worst cook won't be able to burn anything to a crisp. With 3 cooks at the table, plus Sue being the Korean BBQ expert, we had nothing to worry about.

The next thing that catches your eye in the picture is all these little fucking plates! I guess it's a normal part of the Korean dining experience. The last place I went to for Korean grub had the same deal with a lot of little dishes with sides and condiments. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, but it can seem a bit overwhelming to the uninitiated.

Once all the food hits the table and you start cooking, that's when it hits you how cool it really is. It stops feeling like a restaurant and starts feeling like a buddy's backyard cookout. Just being able to laugh and joke with your friends while one of you is tending the grill just brings up a myriad of feelings and memories. And just as you are feeling uplifted with the vibe, the food brings you to a place of pure delight.

Of course, I can't remember all the things I had that day. Some of the things I can remember are beef tongue, baby squid, octopus, spicy pork, brisket and a few more tasty treats that had all of us making those wonderful little moans you make when eating really good food!

I think it was after the third round of food from the server that all of us were stuffed and ready for a nap. I think we were there for almost 2 hours. Just cooking and chatting, enjoying the moment like only good friends can.

Yeah, it was a good time. :)

Incheonwon BBQ House
13321 Brookhurst St
Garden Grove, CA 92843
(714) 638-9292

I'm out.

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