Red, White And Blueberry Daiquiris

Shouldn’t we think about our nation’s birthday the way we think about our own? As in…”Whew! We made it through another year! Some good things happened, some bad things happened, but hopefully the good outweighed the bad.”
There is no bad in these daiquiris. The only problem is deciding which to make. OR if you make all three, WHICH to drink. All three? I’m okay with that.
If you have frozen fruit, so much the better, but it’s not necessary. And feel free to mix and match whatever fruit you have handy. The Strawberry Daiquiris would be good with some blueberries and/or raspberries. Mangos, by themselves, in any of these daiquiris would be awesome!
I’ve put the number of ice cubes I used in each recipe. ½ cup or 1 cup is so vague. I appreciate knowing the actual number and I thought you would too.
I don’t make super-strong drinks, so definitely taste these before they leave the blender. I TRIED to go without any sugar, but they were too bitter, so I added it in little by little.
Whirling the mixture in a food processer just before serving does improve the texture, but don’t worry about it if you choose to serve them straight from the freezer. Just scoop them into glasses and enjoy! (Scraping at them with a fork is good too.)
One more thing, I’ve given you the yields in cups, because one person’s daiquiri is another person’s take away his keys immediatelysituation.
Strawberry Daiquiri(makes about 2½ cups)
1 pint strawberries (about 2 cups), washed and hulled
¼ cup light rum
2 tbls. Triple Sec
2 tbls. sugar
2 tbls. fresh lime juice
9 ice cubes
strawberries for garnish
Place all ingredients in blender and blend until completely smooth. Place in container and freeze until ready to serve. Spoon into glasses and garnish each drink with a fresh strawberry.
This recipe uses just part of a can of coconut milk. Stir the rest into cooked rice or use it for a quick curry-type sauce. It also freezes beautifully.
Banana Daiquiri (makes 2 cups)
2 bananas, peeled
½ cup coconut milk
¼ cup light rum
2 tbls. fresh lime juice
4 tsps. (or 1 tbl. plus 1 tsp.) Triple Sec OR banana liqueur (like Bols)
4 tsps. sugar
10 ice cubes
lime slices for garnish
Place all ingredients in blender and blend until completely smooth. Place in container and freeze until ready to serve. Spoon into glasses and garnish each drink with a lime slice.
This one might be my favorite of the three, although I think I need to test taste them ALL again!
Blueberry Daiquiri (makes 12 oz. or 1½ cups)

Blueberry Daiquiri (makes 12 oz. or 1½ cups)
1 cup blueberries
3 tbls. light rum
2 tbls. fresh lime juice
1 tbl. sugar
3 tbls. light rum
2 tbls. fresh lime juice
1 tbl. sugar
8 ice cubes
blueberries for garnish
blueberries for garnish
Place all ingredients in blender and blend until completely smooth. Place in container and freeze until ready to serve. Spoon into glasses and garnish each drink with a few blueberries.
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