Thirty Straight Days Of Blogging: Day 1 - Whisky!

It's here! The biggest event to hit this blog is finally here! What you are about to witness might scare the living shit out you or make you thank the Gods that you have the internet.

For the next 30 days, I am going to be posting a new blog post everyday. I know for some, that's small potatoes. For me, it's kind of a big deal. If you have been following this blog, you know I normally post about once a week. To make a jump to everyday is almost a little scary. I have this fear of bombing on this after day 2 and looking like a real asshole. But, I'm going to do my best to make it to day 30.

So, I guess the most obvious question is this: Why am I even doing this in the first place? The answer to that is easy. I was inspired.

A blogging friend of mine by the name of Magdalena recently did this same sort of challenge. For her, it was Blog Every Day In May. When she first started it, I thought it was a good idea. Each day brought something new to look forward to.

As the month of May started to wind down, I started to feel a little sad knowing that her posts wouldn't be coming every day. I also knew that I had to try this myself. Go check out her blog and see for yourself.

Lullaby For Pies

Without seeing Magdalena knock this challenge out the box, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even be trying this. Thanks Maggie!

Now, before we get to that delicious bottle, let me get a few things out in the open about the next 30 posts.

First off, I don't have a set schedule for what time of the day the posts will be published. I will shoot for 10am pacific standard time. Because I work in the morning, I may not be able to post a Tweet or Google+ update until late afternoon.

Secondly, I don't really have this planned out. I have about 10 or 11 things I really want to post. After that, it's anyone's guess what I'm going to put up here.

Lastly, I would like for everyone to be a part of this. All comments and questions are welcome. You have an idea you would like to see a post about, let me know. If it's do-able, I'll do my best to get it done. Sorry, I'm not going to cook up crack or meth. Those days are looong gone!

So, without further ado, lets get this fuckin' party started!

The picture above is a whisky that... I really don't know too much about! I was at the supermarket cruising the liquor aisle. I had a good week at work and deserved a treat. This one was on sale from $42 to $29. At 12 years old, it couldn't be that bad!

Yes, that's me holding a glass of whisky. Yes, I am wearing Mardi Gras beads and that holiday has already passed. In my defense, it felt like a celebration.

I'm no whisky expert, but this was some good hooch! With the first sip, it felt like all the aromas opened up from the liquor. It wasn't harsh at all. In fact, it was smooth going down from the get go. The flavor seemed a bit lighter than, for instance, Johnny Walker Black Label.

I ended up drinking about half the bottle. Strangely enough, I wasn't totally shit-faced! And I thought I had lost my tolerance! WOOHOO!

I did have a very slight hangover the next day, but it wasn't bad at all. Nothing like a Jack Daniels hangover. Those are just vicious.

That's about it for this post. What better way to start things off than with a shot or two of whisky!

See you tomorrow!

I'm out.

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