The Cantina Bowl and McWrap

I have to admit something to you today that I'm not exactly proud of. Maybe you can relate to this yourself, and you take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. If you can't relate to what I am about to tell you, then I ask that you don't judge me too harshly. And that 'something' that I am admitting to is this: Sometimes....I....give in to advertising! WHEW! I can't believe I finally said it out loud! A few of those bricks I've been carrying around can finally be lifted!

OK, maybe that was a tad dramatic. The truth is, there have been numerous fast food items that I've tried simply because I was beaten over the head with all the advertising for it! Sure, I'm not putting all the blame on a marketing campaign. There is thing called Self Control that I could have easily put into play. But, after seeing commercials for Taco Bell's Cantina Menu every single fucking commercial break, I lost it. I thought to myself one night "FUCK IT! I'LL TRY THIS FUCKING SHIT FROM TACO BELL AND MAYBE I WON'T HATE THESE GODDAMN COMMERCIALS SO FUCKING MUCH!"

So, after a shift from work, I stopped by TB and tried the Cantina Bowl. When I sat down with it, I honestly thought I was getting a salad. All I saw was lettuce and veggies. When I dug my fork in and started to mix everything around, I saw beans, rice and chicken. It kind of freaked me out, and I thought "What kind of fucking salad is this?!?!" Then I remembered that it's not a salad, it's a bowl. Once I pulled my head out of my ass, it was time to eat.

I can honestly say that I liked it. It didn't have that normal Taco Bell taste to it. The corn and beans stood out well on their own. The guacamole was a lot better than what they had previously been using. While it didn't create one harmonious flavor, all the individual elements shined bright. Not a bad meal at all.

Next up, we have the McWrap.

Now, I wasn't bludgeoned to death with advertising on this one, but the deal they pitched wasn't bad.

When McDonald's first introduced the McWrap, they were selling it for $2 each for the first week. A buddy at work had said that they were a good size and worth it for two bucks. So, why not give it a try?

They have three different flavors, but I only got two. I ordered the chicken & ranch and chicken & bacon. I was hungry, alright!

I took a bite, and in my opinion, it tasted like any other chicken sandwich from McDonald's. Except that it's in a tortilla. It didn't taste bad, but it just felt like more of the same.

For $2, I can't complain too much. I don't think that I'm willing to pay much for this wrap.

That's about it for this one. Well, not quite. Here is a picture of a note I found in my tool box at work.

Yeah, that put a smile on my face! Especially since I'm the farthest thing from a gangster and my lips aren't that big. But, it made me smile, and, I smiled the whole time I wrote this part. :) I know who wrote it, but I'm not gonna put her on blast. Thank you, who I won't name on here!

I'm out!

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