Lunch Box!

Last Wednesday, we didn't have enough time for lunch(going and coming home for lunch), because I had to work at the chapel(I cook dinner at on base chapel every Wednesday!) So, I decided to make lunch box and bring over to his office! 
I thought it was a sweet idea, and so did he! YAY!

I had only 10 to 15 minutes to prepare lunch box, because I was running out of the time... and I didn't think I could make lunch box, I thought we just going out for lunch. BUT no give up right?!
I decided to make Vietnamese rice noodle salad! 
I choose this because we had leftover smoked pork that Jacob smoked and lots of mint I just bought from Asian grocery store. I figured if the protein is already cooked, it doesn't take any time to prepare the dish!

The vermicelli noodles I used in this salad take about 2 minutes to prepare(I used really really thin one) in hot water. Meanwhile, I heat up the smoked pork(I stir fried) and added fish sauce and some sugar for "Vietnamese like" flavor. Then I cut the romaine lettuce and green onion, pick the mint leaves and make the dressing.

I made the dressing with fish sauce, sugar, lime juice, chopped garlic and Thai chili. Add all in a bowl(in this case in a plastic container!) and whisk until sugar dissolves and you are done!

In a serving plate or the container, I put soften/cooked noodles first, then top with lettuce, mint, pork, green onion, pickled radish, and sriracha!

I think it took only 13 minutes or so. Pretty good, right?!

When I came over Jacob's work, he was very very happy. 
We enjoyed this lunch together and had a sweet mini date. :-)

I know making lunch box sometimes very annoying but thinking about your loved ones. :-) 
Think about how much they gonna enjoy and appreciate.

I love using leftovers for lunch box, how about you?
Share your story with me by leave a comment! 

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