The Bison Burger

Hi Everybody! Glad you could make it back for another edition of my blog. What you see above is something that had piqued my interest for quite a while. The Ralph's market in my neighborhood started selling this last year. I would always pass by it and say "That looks interesting. I'll try it next paycheck." I don't know how many months I said this, but it was a while before I finally said "Fuck it" and bought it.

Why all the hesitation in such a simple purchase? The price. It was $8.99 for this one package. Good cuts of steak are less per pound than this stuff. I'm not a complete cheapskate, but this is pushing it, especially for ground meat. But, on the other hand, this was going to be something new for me. I didn't know anything about it, so it could have tasted like gold for all I knew. In the end, I knew I was gonna try this stuff eventually. What better time than now?

I knew I was going to make a burger out of the bison meat, so I got all the standard burger fixings, except pickles. I don't like pickles. They suck. Case closed.

First thing I did was rough chop some onion and saute until it started to get some color.

I separated the ground bison into two patties. For those of you that don't know me that well, when I make burgers, I don't fuck around with sliders or small patties. It's go big or piss off!

As you can see, the bison is a bit on the lean side. I don't have any pics of when it was cooking, but I can tell you that it didn't leave a pool of fat in the pan.

The only things I seasoned the burgers with was salt and pepper. Even though I did add a slice of cheese to the finished burger, I didn't want to cover the true taste of the meat.

Now for a closer look.

Now for the Diner's, Drive ins and Dives cut-my-burger-in-half shot.

Look at that! Spread open for the world to see! With a hot, juicy pink center! That just makes my mouth water.

So how does it taste? Pretty good. Nine dollars a pound good? No. It didn't have a "gamey" taste to it, but you could tell that it wasn't beef from a cow. It had a richness that is a little difficult for me to describe.

With it being lean, you aren't going to have juice running down your arm. But it's overall taste is of good quality. I hate using catchy phrases, but I guess you could say it has an "earthy" flavor.

Overall, it was a tasty burger. But, I don't think I'll be buying any more bison meat anytime soon. If you want to try something different, but don't like lamb or goat, give this one a go.

I'm out.

J. Miller

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