Uncle Dude's Ridiculous Marinara

Here we are folks! Welcome back to the Food And Such Things blog. This post, I've got something very special for you. No, I'm not gonna show you a picture of me naked from the waste down. What I do have is a review of a marinara sauce that is gonna blow your mind.

A short time ago, I responded to a tweet from a company looking for a few bloggers to review their product. I didn't think I had much of a shot of getting it, due to the fact that I've been doing this for less than a year now. Oddly enough, they said yes and would send me out a sample to try out. Honestly, how cool is that?!?!

The whole time I was waiting for it to arrive, I was thinking about how I would use it. Would I make something like baked ziti with it? No, too many other flavors going on. I want to be able to taste it without compromise. Maybe I could do a bruschetta with it? Not a bad idea, but simply putting it on toast seems like a bit of a waste. So, what did I choose? I decided to go with what I most commonly do with marinara: Throw it on some pasta and maybe add some parmesan cheese to it. I know, very simple. While simple, I'll be able to taste the marinara fully and in a setting I'm comfortable with.

Now we are gonna jump forward to getting the marinara in the mail. For real, I felt like a child waiting for Christmas morning to come. I got home from work and it was there. WOOHOO!!!

When I picked up the jar, I could easily see the chunks of vegetables in it. I don't know about you, but that's impressive to me.

At this point, I was done with the foreplay. It's time to taste it. I popped it open and was looking at this:

I took a whiff and it smelled awesome! There was no way I was gonna wait to taste this any longer. I grabbed a spoon and dug in. It tasted like...a friends mom made it. I say that with nothing but endearment. Some of the best foods I've ever had was enjoyed in the homes of friends and family. And that is what this tasted like.

You could taste the onions and garlic as clear as day. The herbs and spices come through cleanly in a nice balance. The thing which got my attention the most was the salt. It wasn't salty, but it had the right amount of salt. That is very rare for something you get out of a jar.

I cooked up some pasta and warmed up the sauce. Here it is.

I took a few bites before I added the parmesan. I had too.

I was a little worried the parm might mess with the flavor. IT DIDN'T! 

Simply put, this stuff rocks. I didn't have to add anything else to the sauce. I didn't want to.

At this point, I highly recommend you check out their website to get the full story on this awesome sauce.

Uncle Dude's Home Page

On to other news. I've been plugging away at this since November. While it's been fun, I think it's about time for a little vacation. When I come back, I'll have some fresh stuff for all of you to enjoy. Don't worry, it's just gonna be for about 2 weeks.

Until then, take care and enjoy all the little treats life has to offer.

J. Miller

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