Bermuda On My Mind

We made a quick trip to Bermuda, which was soooo beautiful. The best part? The beach. 

The second best? The strawberry daiquiris ON the beach.  Actually, the first daiquiri was a little weak, but the second one made up for it. (Sorry, no pictures.)

There were a couple of business dinners with really nice folks and really good food. 

24 Hour Beer-Soaked Chicken
Grilled Vegetables
Stuffed Potatoes with Montery Jack and Double Smoked Bacon
Wouldn’t Bermuda be a beautiful place to be a chef?

Our one non-catered dinner was at Tom Moore’s Tavern. It was built as a private house in 1652 and has been a pub or restaurant for over 100 years. I didn’t look to see if the kitchen had been renovated since then.

The servers and maître d’ wore Bermuda shorts with knee socks. The shorts I understand. It’s hot! But the knee socks? And they’re often in jarring colors like tan or black! That looks so odd to me with my American sensibility. When a jacket and tie is worn as well, that REALLY takes it over the top. Actually the only thing stranger is this.

The place was kind of fancy (in a 1800's kind of way), so I didn’t use a flash everywhere that I should have.

Dinner at Tom Moore's Tavern

From top left, row by row -

  • The fried calamari were okay, but definitely not the special dish that reviewers had written about. 
  • Scallops three ways was interesting. The SMOKED scallop mousse was the best.
  • Good sea bass with bok choy. 
  • The quail was okay, but the cheese tart that it was sitting on was way too heavy and salty. 
  • The famous chocolate soufflé was just fine. I liked the vanilla sauce, but both H and I could have sworn that there were bananas in if they had put some banana slices in the bottom and the flavor had permeated the soufflé. The server assured us there were NO bananas. That makes me think maybe they were using imitation vanilla extract. Dunno. 
  • I thought the crème brulée was a bit over-browned, but maybe it's supposed to be that way. I just learned I've probably been
  • undercooking my meringues, so it could be the same thing with the sugar crust over the crème brulée. 
BUT the men in shorts gave us wonderful service, which is always important to me. 

We spent an afternoon in St. George, which is a lovely historic town and a world heritage site

The last time we were there, a few years ago, H was particularly thrilled because we were two tables away from Jamie Moyer! Yeah, I only knew who he was because of H

Also last time (and this time) we walked up a hugely steep hill to the “Unfinished Church”. It looked like this before:


Pretty, right? 
THIS time we saw this:


We snuck around the side and I stuck my camera inside. It LOOKS the same, but I suppose that sign is there for a reason. 

I also liked this new coffee shop, especially the name - CV (Conscious Vibe) Café :

Good iced latte.

Beaches, Bermuda shorts and pretty good dining...I have nothing to complain about...

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