The Arby's Salad

This one is gonna be a quickie. Honestly, I'm not in the mood for a long, drawn out post. Plus, it's a fast food salad. Do I really need to get in-depth on this thing? Fuck no!

The official name of this is the Roast Chopped Farmhouse Salad. I chose to do a post on this because it's become a common after-work meal for me. If I'm not going straight home when I leave the slave ship, there is a good chance I might stop by Arby's and get this. It costs about $6 and some change for the meal and is healthier than a lot of other options I would normally go for. Plus, it's close to work, so I don't have to go too far for it.

Now, I know a lot of people like to shit on Arby's. Why? I don't know! The food ain't that bad and it's not nearly as expensive as Carl's Jr. I'm not saying it's the best food out there, but at least give it a look.

Here is a closer look:

As you can see, it's got bacon and thinly sliced roasted chicken on it. The bacon is nice and crispy and the chicken slices are tasty. You can get it with deep fried chicken pieces, but I usually get this one.

I like this salad. It tastes good and you get a good amount of it. No frills here, it's just a fuckin' salad. Take it for what it is.

I'm out.

J. Miller

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